As much as I love the written word, and as much as I enjoy writing, text rarely seems loud enough. And I feel even more muffled because when I write here there's no garauntee that it'll ever be read. On top of that I can usually be sure that if I manage to say something articulately, and somebody deigns to listen, they probably won't take it to heart. When I consider all the obstacles to getting my point across, it almost makes me feel alright about having nothing important to say.
Who really understands you? Your closest friends, if your lucky. Likely not even your family. What do people say about their lovers? That thier lovers understand them. The most heartfelt devotion can be felt for anybody who simply hears a person. And what do we have to say; what do I have to say to our contemporaries? I am lonely, I need love, and I'm not a bad person.
Who really understands you? Your closest friends, if your lucky. Likely not even your family. What do people say about their lovers? That thier lovers understand them. The most heartfelt devotion can be felt for anybody who simply hears a person. And what do we have to say; what do I have to say to our contemporaries? I am lonely, I need love, and I'm not a bad person.