Well if you cant fuck up in a totally fucked up way... might as well not do it at all?
I hate being passionate about things. I jump to conclusions far too easily, I assume way too much, and to top it off... I act instinctly without a minute of time to sit back and observe the situation from a distance. I cant wait to see how I get my self out of this mess.
I hate being passionate about things. I jump to conclusions far too easily, I assume way too much, and to top it off... I act instinctly without a minute of time to sit back and observe the situation from a distance. I cant wait to see how I get my self out of this mess.
Me and the ol' lady had a little conversation that just didnt end well, with myself doing something I dont do often. I was completely wrong about a situation, and made a damn fool of myself. Luckily Im dating a pretty amazing girl.
@darknight: You know, a good debate is always an enlightening thing. I cherish peoples opinions alot. They make me truly sit back and think, which is something I love to do. However this situation was completely different from that scenario. I know that wasnt worth it, but thank you if you were speaking of that. Some people simply are in forums to pick apart things, have light-hearted fun, or bully people with a group of people. Either way, its all in good fun. I no longer saw a debate there, so I picked to drop it. Some people hate when you do that, and will poke fun at ya... I personally love it, because it seperates the drama loving ignorants, from people with smarts.
Like I said, its all fun. INTENSE, but very fun, I never take any of it personally.
@marked faery, I do love what I do... thats why im passionate. Being passionate about things has enabled me to have the opportunities, I have. Thank you for the lyrics... gonna use them for my status if you dont mind.