um hi ya lunch on monday was awsome. still eating it in fact.
any way victor wooten is coming to town. i'm so happy... like eh ah sha the egerness in intenss. i got tickets yesterday.
by the by yesterday was really good i sold some cds to get money for the tickets and after geting the tickets my day just seemed beter. i went to geoffs and chilled there for a bit then i went home to do some home work so yesterday went beter then i thought it would.
oh but the best thing is on family guy last night they all took epitap (this shit makes you puke) to see who throws up last. it was funny i almost pissed my self.
one time when i was like three i ate to manny pills of some sort (i don't remember) well any way my mom gave my some epitap so i would throw them up. then she left me in the bathroopm with the epitap and i kinda liked the teast of it o i drank the whole bottel. after about 10 minutes of me not throwing up my mom took me to the hospital and had my stomic pumped. the doctor said i had more epitap in my stomic then he had ever seen.
tell me a story from when you where little
any way victor wooten is coming to town. i'm so happy... like eh ah sha the egerness in intenss. i got tickets yesterday.
by the by yesterday was really good i sold some cds to get money for the tickets and after geting the tickets my day just seemed beter. i went to geoffs and chilled there for a bit then i went home to do some home work so yesterday went beter then i thought it would.
oh but the best thing is on family guy last night they all took epitap (this shit makes you puke) to see who throws up last. it was funny i almost pissed my self.
one time when i was like three i ate to manny pills of some sort (i don't remember) well any way my mom gave my some epitap so i would throw them up. then she left me in the bathroopm with the epitap and i kinda liked the teast of it o i drank the whole bottel. after about 10 minutes of me not throwing up my mom took me to the hospital and had my stomic pumped. the doctor said i had more epitap in my stomic then he had ever seen.
tell me a story from when you where little
Hell yeah vash is a god!
anytime love!