woo hoo- i got a new car-well, suv-i kind of feel like a yuppie driving it.i needed the space though- band equipment (not like i'm playing out right now)-my upright bass-if i ever get it done.
Cleveland was really good and really bad-moved my parents-that sucked-but i'm happy for them-the new place is better for them.not ever going back to the house i grew up in-sucks.i had to go to a wake-a friend i've known since kindergarten-her husband died-28 yrs.-i think he O.Ded-they didn't say-i met a really cool girl the first night i got back,hung out with her most of the week-she was probably the highlight of my trip-but of course the last night i was there i went and complete fucked that whole situation up-won't get into it-other than i've never done anything so horrible to anyone in my life-i feel so shitty about it but whats done is done-that will go down as being the biggest dick headed moment of my life.
Cleveland was really good and really bad-moved my parents-that sucked-but i'm happy for them-the new place is better for them.not ever going back to the house i grew up in-sucks.i had to go to a wake-a friend i've known since kindergarten-her husband died-28 yrs.-i think he O.Ded-they didn't say-i met a really cool girl the first night i got back,hung out with her most of the week-she was probably the highlight of my trip-but of course the last night i was there i went and complete fucked that whole situation up-won't get into it-other than i've never done anything so horrible to anyone in my life-i feel so shitty about it but whats done is done-that will go down as being the biggest dick headed moment of my life.

It's sort of nearby I guess. If you're driving you best bet is to get your ass into Philly a.s.a.p. !

fuck yea dude, ill have to see about work schedule and all, but fuck yea ill go camping in Maine with you crazy bastids.. Tell the jap to lay off the weed, hes a stoney fuck ha ha..tell just kiddin john to bring the grill and the kingsford, well get some monster hack and slash steaks so the jap can put ranch dressing all over it..nah, hes cool. Just fun to make fun of the weird stuff he does. I better get sleep, im hallucination from acute sleep deprivation.. later ya fuck