I went to a non-profit arts place in Lawrence MA when I was in highschool because my school had no art whatsoever! So I know how important it is. However, I would still do it even if I were totally selfish. I love doing it and I love the kids and the community. If you are interested and have the time, I'm sure there's a non-profit near you!
How'd you get into making guitars and how'd you end up in MA??
PS Don't be non-chalant!
PPS as far as I know Attleborro isn't far from Providence, just in case you were hoping to go to that show.
Erin, AKA: CherrieBombBettie
I went to a non-profit arts place in Lawrence MA when I was in highschool because my school had no art whatsoever! So I know how important it is. However, I would still do it even if I were totally selfish. I love doing it and I love the kids and the community. If you are interested and have the time, I'm sure there's a non-profit near you!
How'd you get into making guitars and how'd you end up in MA??
PS Don't be non-chalant!
PPS as far as I know Attleborro isn't far from Providence, just in case you were hoping to go to that show.