I would like to take this time to recognize everything it takes to organize and execute a successful shoot as well as everyone involved when it comes to most of MY shoots. I could just show up to my studio with a camera and start snapping pictures but I have people who believe in me who want to help and be a part of it all. So much so they go out of their way to help in any way they can FOR FREE just to get what little recognition that is involved with helping out. But they do it because they are genuinely kind and generous people. First I couldn't do a lot of my shoots if it weren't for Jimi at Brewhouse Studios for giving me special access to limited access areas of the building I shoot at. Without him I wouldn't have the VERY cool location you see in most of my sets.
Next, Megan with Ms Megan Makeup who donates her time, skills, and top of the line products FOR FREE for some of my shoots. She not only does makeup but she does hair as well. She isn't new to the game and she doesn't use the cheap stuff lol... She has been SOOOO awesome coming out and staying on set to make sure the girls look top notch the entire way through the shoot.
Of course you have the models who always seem to be on top of their game and work very hard to plan and prepare for each shoot. I have yet to work with a model who didn't give her ALL. Not to mention most models I have shot with have a escort or boyfriends they bring with them. Alot of the time they are very helpful and willing to give me a hand with setting up lights or even carry my equipment around. SG sets are the only sets I do not bring an assistant(s) other than the hair and makeup artist. I don't feel it's is necessary to have a whole crew standing around. I would much rather set my own equipment up so the model feels more comfortable during the shoot.
Bottom line, it doesn't just take one person to shoot a set. There are more people involved behind the scenes. A whole team. You may see a beautiful picture of a beautiful model. I see all that, as well as the the even bigger picture it took to make that happen.
I love my job and everyone who is a part of it all. I couldn't do it by myself.