I dedicate this journal entry to the one and only, the Holy Diver himself,
so here's some more reviews of my zine. This one's from Heart Attack #46:
"In this 'zine, Joe writes about his experiences working on construction jobs, and the people he was forced to deal with. He also writes about the shenanigans of fucked up people he grew up around. The idea behind doing the 'zine is really cool. He writes in the intro about feeling different about writing for a certain audience, now that he's a bit older and in limbo between being a normal schmoe with a day job and the subculture's he was involved with. So, he decided to try and put something togehter that he could give to people at work, activist friends, friends who go to punk shows, his sisters who he's never really shared interests with, old friends, and random new people who seem cool. The result is a very accessible chunk of working class prose. Real writing about real people and the issues they face. The funny part is the Crimethinc logo on the cover and the subsequent disclaimer. 'I put the crimethinc logo on the cover so people would buy it. I am not a part od Crimethinc and want nothing to do with them. I fyou bought this zine for that logo, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. If not, then that's your problem not mine.' Rad. I enjoyed this 'zine very much."
Finally! Vindicated at last! That's exactly what I was going for too. I'm glad one of these zine reviewers got it!
...And this next review from stationaery 'zine was just out of the fuckin' blue. darksphere's zine got reviewed in it too.
If Triangulated #2 and its author, Eric Waters, frustrated me, this guy Joe I just wanted to punch in the skull (the two share the same email domain name). He spends most of the zine flaunting his working class roots and how shitty his life is bouncing around from job to job and about the 'scabs' and 'heroes' he encounters on construction jobs. Mostly he talks about a guy named Ralph who was all cozy with the boss and used to try to get Joe and his hard-working, honest co-workers in trouble. No doubt Ralph was a prick and there are many like him, but Joe makes it seem like keeping your head down, not answering to anyone but the boss and not giving a shit about anyone but your damn self is worthy of pride and/or respect. The thing that pissed me off most about the zine (aside from the fact that the we disagree mightily on politics and economics) is that Joe is nothing special at all. He doesn't impart any sort of interesting ideas or solutions, he is just basically another angry blue-collar worker who thinks every job is a fight to the death, every man for himself (and then finds ample reasons to blame that attitude on 'the invisible hand' or whatever he can concoct). He's not even a well-read or intelligent Marxist, he just loves his fucking union, like the honchos on top of those bureaucratic beehives give a shit about his dumb ass. He's typical. He thinks he's such a victim with his wounded pride and light wallet, and his unequivocal hatred of anyone not working class ("If I'm working class, I'm going to agree with what's good for the working class...that's it") proves that this is not a man who could ever contribute to problems of divisions along any lines. He admitted it in the introduction. I am going to be a sheep. If the working class says it, it must be true. At the end of the zine he relates an anecdote: "Steve and I were working class kids who were used to getting shit and just didn't care. Cooter thought that was cool in a punk rock novelty kind of way, but he just didn't get it. Even though he tried to act like this trashy street punk, the real DC rich kid in him showed through it all. Just like any other rich kid." Basically, that about convinced me that Joe is no better than Cooter. Plus he is part of this organization that is called 'Openly Classist', and you can guess what that is about. He is, by his own admission, a white trash kid turned punk rock, and he is a shining example of the worst punk as an ideology has to offer: the idea that just because you are in a shitty situation, people from your financial background are somehow better than people from another background, which I think is unfounded and stupid.
I just love it when reviews are so spiteful.
it makes me feel like singing more Dio....
I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel! I can roll, I can feel! You can't stop me turnin'!
I'm a sun, I'm a sun! I can move, I can run! You can't stop me Burnin'!
my new favorite song is "energy" by a band called rebecca nurse. click on this link and download it.
rebecca nurse

so here's some more reviews of my zine. This one's from Heart Attack #46:
"In this 'zine, Joe writes about his experiences working on construction jobs, and the people he was forced to deal with. He also writes about the shenanigans of fucked up people he grew up around. The idea behind doing the 'zine is really cool. He writes in the intro about feeling different about writing for a certain audience, now that he's a bit older and in limbo between being a normal schmoe with a day job and the subculture's he was involved with. So, he decided to try and put something togehter that he could give to people at work, activist friends, friends who go to punk shows, his sisters who he's never really shared interests with, old friends, and random new people who seem cool. The result is a very accessible chunk of working class prose. Real writing about real people and the issues they face. The funny part is the Crimethinc logo on the cover and the subsequent disclaimer. 'I put the crimethinc logo on the cover so people would buy it. I am not a part od Crimethinc and want nothing to do with them. I fyou bought this zine for that logo, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. If not, then that's your problem not mine.' Rad. I enjoyed this 'zine very much."
Finally! Vindicated at last! That's exactly what I was going for too. I'm glad one of these zine reviewers got it!
...And this next review from stationaery 'zine was just out of the fuckin' blue. darksphere's zine got reviewed in it too.
If Triangulated #2 and its author, Eric Waters, frustrated me, this guy Joe I just wanted to punch in the skull (the two share the same email domain name). He spends most of the zine flaunting his working class roots and how shitty his life is bouncing around from job to job and about the 'scabs' and 'heroes' he encounters on construction jobs. Mostly he talks about a guy named Ralph who was all cozy with the boss and used to try to get Joe and his hard-working, honest co-workers in trouble. No doubt Ralph was a prick and there are many like him, but Joe makes it seem like keeping your head down, not answering to anyone but the boss and not giving a shit about anyone but your damn self is worthy of pride and/or respect. The thing that pissed me off most about the zine (aside from the fact that the we disagree mightily on politics and economics) is that Joe is nothing special at all. He doesn't impart any sort of interesting ideas or solutions, he is just basically another angry blue-collar worker who thinks every job is a fight to the death, every man for himself (and then finds ample reasons to blame that attitude on 'the invisible hand' or whatever he can concoct). He's not even a well-read or intelligent Marxist, he just loves his fucking union, like the honchos on top of those bureaucratic beehives give a shit about his dumb ass. He's typical. He thinks he's such a victim with his wounded pride and light wallet, and his unequivocal hatred of anyone not working class ("If I'm working class, I'm going to agree with what's good for the working class...that's it") proves that this is not a man who could ever contribute to problems of divisions along any lines. He admitted it in the introduction. I am going to be a sheep. If the working class says it, it must be true. At the end of the zine he relates an anecdote: "Steve and I were working class kids who were used to getting shit and just didn't care. Cooter thought that was cool in a punk rock novelty kind of way, but he just didn't get it. Even though he tried to act like this trashy street punk, the real DC rich kid in him showed through it all. Just like any other rich kid." Basically, that about convinced me that Joe is no better than Cooter. Plus he is part of this organization that is called 'Openly Classist', and you can guess what that is about. He is, by his own admission, a white trash kid turned punk rock, and he is a shining example of the worst punk as an ideology has to offer: the idea that just because you are in a shitty situation, people from your financial background are somehow better than people from another background, which I think is unfounded and stupid.
I just love it when reviews are so spiteful.

it makes me feel like singing more Dio....
I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel! I can roll, I can feel! You can't stop me turnin'!
I'm a sun, I'm a sun! I can move, I can run! You can't stop me Burnin'!
my new favorite song is "energy" by a band called rebecca nurse. click on this link and download it.
rebecca nurse
Missed another good show at the Farmer's Club last night.... Or were you there? Suiciety was headlining and only got to play like 4 songs cuz it was past 11. I guess one of the neighbors came to the club baseball bat in hand telling them to quiet down cuz his wife and kid were trying to sleep. Gotta love the scene.... Cellar door

Nah no matter how hard you try Suiciety cannot and prolly will not be forgotten. They're actually playing the Wild Wild West in norwich tonight. I tried to get Mark to say "That is really condescending" last night but he wouldn't do it hehehe. Cellar door