Quote of the week: "If there's one thing wrong with this country, it's that there's too many people pushing paper and not enough people working."
-Rich the welder and Vietnam vet
Reviews of my zine from the current issues of MRR and Slug & Lettuce:
MRR: Overworked & Still Broke #2
This kid put the crimethic logo on the cover just to fuck with people. "I put the Crimethic logo on the cover of this zine so people would buy it. I am not a part of crimethinc and I want nothing to do with them. If you bought this zine for that logo, I hope you enjoyed it anyways. If not, that's your problem, not mine." Hmm. I mean I could care less about Crimethinc but that seems kind of strange and passive aggressive. Basically this is a rant about his various construction jobs and the characters he has come across whilst working. I t reads like a conversation someone would have on a break at a shitty job. It seems like he has read a lot of Bukowski.
-Layla Gibbon
i've never read anything by bukowski in my life. this is a pretty good review. they worry too much about the crimethic joke.
"Slug and Lettuce:
This printed zine comes from a working class pride angle and mostly consists of Joe talking about working construction jobs and the jerks one has to deal with outside of the boss. All of us who work can probably relate- and have encountered suck-up coworkers- but I got bored reading this.
There's also memories of people he knew back when that also talks about some creepy, fucked up men who target young girls for sex. His advice is good: keep an eye on them and don't hesitate to intervene if necessary. Joe says he put the Crimethinc logo on the front so people would buy this, but he wants "nothing to do with them." I, myself, often put the hammer and sickle on my zine so the commies will buy it and hear my anarchist message! Duh.
-Ryan Mishap
i thought this one was pretty funny. it's an honest review, except for the fact that the kid sounds like a snob. again, they focus on this little crimethinc joke, what's up with that? everyone else laughed at it. i think it bothers me a little because it's such a tiny part of the zine and it's getting more attention than the rest of the zine.
I still might have reviews coming in heart attack, punk planet, and profane existence. I gotta try zine world too. heart attack is out now, i just need to find a copy.
It seems like all the zines that get good reviews are the generic punk/activist crap zines that everybody's doing right now. "I went traveling and liberated my desires in Munich. I live in a hippy collective. We rode our bikes to a folk/punk show and made out under the stars. Yay rah rah, I'm an anarchist. I'm so sassy and rebellious. Like, totally smash the state or whatever."
I put a new twist on the old stuff and the hot shot zine reviewers don't care about it. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter. I need no scenester credentials.
by the way, check out zines by Copillia, darksphere, and Thursday cuz they rule.
-Rich the welder and Vietnam vet
Reviews of my zine from the current issues of MRR and Slug & Lettuce:
MRR: Overworked & Still Broke #2
This kid put the crimethic logo on the cover just to fuck with people. "I put the Crimethic logo on the cover of this zine so people would buy it. I am not a part of crimethinc and I want nothing to do with them. If you bought this zine for that logo, I hope you enjoyed it anyways. If not, that's your problem, not mine." Hmm. I mean I could care less about Crimethinc but that seems kind of strange and passive aggressive. Basically this is a rant about his various construction jobs and the characters he has come across whilst working. I t reads like a conversation someone would have on a break at a shitty job. It seems like he has read a lot of Bukowski.
-Layla Gibbon
i've never read anything by bukowski in my life. this is a pretty good review. they worry too much about the crimethic joke.
"Slug and Lettuce:
This printed zine comes from a working class pride angle and mostly consists of Joe talking about working construction jobs and the jerks one has to deal with outside of the boss. All of us who work can probably relate- and have encountered suck-up coworkers- but I got bored reading this.
There's also memories of people he knew back when that also talks about some creepy, fucked up men who target young girls for sex. His advice is good: keep an eye on them and don't hesitate to intervene if necessary. Joe says he put the Crimethinc logo on the front so people would buy this, but he wants "nothing to do with them." I, myself, often put the hammer and sickle on my zine so the commies will buy it and hear my anarchist message! Duh.
-Ryan Mishap
i thought this one was pretty funny. it's an honest review, except for the fact that the kid sounds like a snob. again, they focus on this little crimethinc joke, what's up with that? everyone else laughed at it. i think it bothers me a little because it's such a tiny part of the zine and it's getting more attention than the rest of the zine.
I still might have reviews coming in heart attack, punk planet, and profane existence. I gotta try zine world too. heart attack is out now, i just need to find a copy.
It seems like all the zines that get good reviews are the generic punk/activist crap zines that everybody's doing right now. "I went traveling and liberated my desires in Munich. I live in a hippy collective. We rode our bikes to a folk/punk show and made out under the stars. Yay rah rah, I'm an anarchist. I'm so sassy and rebellious. Like, totally smash the state or whatever."
I put a new twist on the old stuff and the hot shot zine reviewers don't care about it. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter. I need no scenester credentials.
by the way, check out zines by Copillia, darksphere, and Thursday cuz they rule.
I understand why you didn't get it