let's lighten things up a bit shall we?
one time my friend and i were bored so we had this brilliant idea to ride our bikes to a nearby wildlife preserve called blackledge falls. except most of the ride there wasn't a ride, it was walking your bike up this huge hill that hot afternoon in the early autumn. we must have been like 12 or 13.
i remember having to take a shit really bad the whole way there, and there was nowhere to go. nothing, and it really sucks to have to take a shit outside so i tried to delay the inevitable as long as possible. by the time we got to the park i could feel the turtle head poking out and rubbing against the back of my tighty whities....oh shit. i think my friend could even smell it because he asked me if i had to take a shit.
"yea, but what the hell do i wipe with?"
"your sock, or some leaves." so i went behind some cabin and used both. he knew, but he was good about it and didn't rub it in like any other 12 year old would (no pun intended here). i was able to hide my shame. he even reminded me to throw out my crusted underwear so i didn't get a rash. i'm sure he didn't want to smell it the whole way back either.
so i enjoyed the rest of the day at this beautiful park with no socks, no underwear, and a clean ass. but not before i did what any self respecting 12 year old would do, and put the crusted underwear on a stick in the middle of the main trail, inside out with the skid marks proudly displayed for some unsuspecting hiker to pass by and see. i'm not sure what it is about underwear with shit stains, but they're a source of endless entertainment for me.
Sometimes I like to think that I'm the man of steel and nothing can hurt me. but time and time again, there's nothing else that stings like knowing that you're being forgotten by someone you were friends with or made some kind of connection with. oh well, time will pass and i won't care anymore.....
I'm going back to work on monday. Different job, different building. Same trade. there isn't much for work out there right now because the weather isn't letting up and new construction doesn't start until the ground is soft enough to dig foundations and pour concrete in.
woooo! yes! i got my zines in the mail!! 400 copies! happy! happy! joy! joy! now people will want to have sex with me (just kidding....i may be a loser, but i'm not unrealistic). i'll got back in my journal and contact everyone who asked for one.
one time my friend and i were bored so we had this brilliant idea to ride our bikes to a nearby wildlife preserve called blackledge falls. except most of the ride there wasn't a ride, it was walking your bike up this huge hill that hot afternoon in the early autumn. we must have been like 12 or 13.
i remember having to take a shit really bad the whole way there, and there was nowhere to go. nothing, and it really sucks to have to take a shit outside so i tried to delay the inevitable as long as possible. by the time we got to the park i could feel the turtle head poking out and rubbing against the back of my tighty whities....oh shit. i think my friend could even smell it because he asked me if i had to take a shit.
"yea, but what the hell do i wipe with?"
"your sock, or some leaves." so i went behind some cabin and used both. he knew, but he was good about it and didn't rub it in like any other 12 year old would (no pun intended here). i was able to hide my shame. he even reminded me to throw out my crusted underwear so i didn't get a rash. i'm sure he didn't want to smell it the whole way back either.
so i enjoyed the rest of the day at this beautiful park with no socks, no underwear, and a clean ass. but not before i did what any self respecting 12 year old would do, and put the crusted underwear on a stick in the middle of the main trail, inside out with the skid marks proudly displayed for some unsuspecting hiker to pass by and see. i'm not sure what it is about underwear with shit stains, but they're a source of endless entertainment for me.
Sometimes I like to think that I'm the man of steel and nothing can hurt me. but time and time again, there's nothing else that stings like knowing that you're being forgotten by someone you were friends with or made some kind of connection with. oh well, time will pass and i won't care anymore.....
I'm going back to work on monday. Different job, different building. Same trade. there isn't much for work out there right now because the weather isn't letting up and new construction doesn't start until the ground is soft enough to dig foundations and pour concrete in.
woooo! yes! i got my zines in the mail!! 400 copies! happy! happy! joy! joy! now people will want to have sex with me (just kidding....i may be a loser, but i'm not unrealistic). i'll got back in my journal and contact everyone who asked for one.
Ok, couldn't resist. Never went to band camp, though. And no serious flautist would ever do that, so.