i had to leave. my roommate alicia was a psycho. she kept on telling me that i said things i never said, she was always meddling in my business, and she was always telling me what to do. besides that, alicia was also a pathological liar. i just couldn't stand living with her anymore. i probably should have made her leave, seeing as how both our names were on the lease, but i just had so many things on my plate.
my girlfriend of 4 years and i had just broken up, some friends of mine decided they didn't like me anymore for reasons unknown to me, i hadn't been talking to my family for at least 6 months, and to top it all off, my car had just shit the bed. i didn't have it in me to put up much more of a fight so i took the cheap way out and just left.
alicia was a spolied rich brat from puerto rico and she was used to getting her way all the time. her mom sent her money to live off of while she did volunteer activist work, and she used to complain about how oppressed she was. yea right, my ass she was oppressed.
i'm the grunt going to bed at 9:30 and getting up at 6am to make my lunch and get to work where i can sweat, strain my muscles, and breath in drywall dust all day. meanwhile alicia stays up late, goes out to eat 2 or 3 times everyday after hanging out and discussing politics with her friends for a few hours. oppressed my ass. i'm not getting into a "who's more oppressed" pissing contest, but come on. don't feed me bullshit here.
however, nancy the old cuban woman we lived with was awesome.
so i moved to 6th and morris. it was only a few blocks over, from the first place, in the same part of south philadelphia, but it was cheaper. the house wasn't as nice. it had a cracked shitpipe and a leakey roof, but that's why i was only paying $175 a month to live there. my roommates were Rasheed, Lina, and Imas. All three of them were Muslims. Rasheed was from Morocco, Lina and Imas were both from Indonesia.
I never expected to be living with people that I had so little in common with culturally, but they were the best roommates I ever had. They were all quiet, they cleaned up after themselves, they didn't call a housemeeting to bitch at someone if they forgot to clean up after themselves. and they were immigrants, so they all came here to work.
the thing i realized is that muslims in this country are a lot like catholics, or people of any other religeon. most of them just celebrate the main holidays and aren't really too strict about their religeon the rest of the time.
Lina was actually dateing this married man Jimmy, who didn't want to be with his wife anymore. his wife, was incredibly jealous, so she called up once and left a message saying "you easy pussy. you fucking slut. stay away from my husband or i kill you."
one night this crazy asian woman came to our door around 4am and rang the doorbell 30 times until rasheed and imas got up and tried to calmly tell this raving lunatic to go away. she was friends with the cambodian family across the street and they saw her husband come into out house earlier.
all i could hear from the 3rd floor was "EASY PUSSY! EASY PUSSY!" this went on for about 15 minutes and finally I went downstairs and yelled at the woman to go away cuz it's 4 in the morning and i shut the door. I think she was scared because i'm a giant and she never came to our house again.
They were all upset when i moved back to Connecticut. i kinda felt bad because they were like a 2nd family to me. but i had to go, because there was a better job and business that I had to take care of back home.
i started writing this last night, but was interrupted by a small grease fire that was quickly extinguished with a bag of flour. when i threw the flour on the fire, the edges of the paper bag the flour was in caught fire. i just threw that outside into some snow.
never leave the stove unattended when you're cooking.
by the way, sorry if i slack on jouranl entries for a little bit because i'm busting ass trying to get my zine ready for printing in a couple of weeks. who wants a free issue?
good music to have stuck in your head:
Slayer, Hank Williams, and Diana Ross and the Supremes.
most metal song title ever: "masturbating the war god" by nile
fuckin' shit! i had like $75 or $80 set aside for the production of my zine and now the money's gone! it's not where i left it!
1st per'zine. I'll send further issues during the next year too.
Nice one.