more fight stories. i changed the names for this one. i'm sure you'll understand why.
Philadelphia is a weird city. It's kinda cool in its own way though. It's one of the few cities I've been to that still has these full scale white ghettos. Some neighborhoods haven't changed much since people moved there from places like Poland, Ireland, and Italy back in the 20s.
In Philly the youth gangs are different. It's not like Bloods, Cips, Latin Kings and all that. The gangs are all based around what set of streets you live on. People would refer to them as 2nd and jackson or 16th and morris. I would imagine that method of neighborhood organization came with the Irish. Cities like Belfast are like that in the way that they're divided up by Green and Orange neighborhoods. Provisional IRA, Sinn Feinn, the real IRA, etc. UDA, UVF, etc.
Other than that, I've only ever heard of a few biker gangs and mafia being around there.
I had this one friend Connor who grew up in Philly. Connor was one of these thugs who grew up in South Philly's Irish American ghetto. They call them 2 streeters down there. He did some time in juvie, moved to california, then married a beautiful stripper, and moved back to philly.
Connor's probably one of the toughest guys I know. He's a big guy, but he kind of carries hikmself like a socially awkward D&D geek. I guess I would too if I went through what he did. I've had a pretty tough life myself, but i'm not even in the same league as this guy.
he told me once that he killed another inmate in juvie. broke his head open with a piece of a toilet. there was a lot of racial tension and he had to do something to ensure his safety. he said that when you kill someone, it kills a little part of you. i really didn't know what to say when he told me that. all i could do was tell him about the skeletons in my closet. even though they couldn't compare to what he did, i still felt obliged to tell him something. there's no reason to keep secrets when your friend tells you something like that.
One time we were out at the bar with our friend Pauly, and each of their girlfriends. there was this one big black dude who was talking to us and acting kind of weird. the guy was a total tweaker. i could tell because i used to do meth too. he kept on butting in to our conversations, he was staring, he was rambling, twitching his jaw. he had no concern for manners.
just out of the blue this tweaker guy starts bothering pauly about his stretched ears, bringing up all sorts of racial shit.
finally Pauly says to him "mind your own business." the guy gets up and gets in pauly's face.
"that was rude. i think you should apoligize." pauly started to apoligize but me and connor were saying to the guy "he doesn't have to apoligize."
the tweaker won't even look at us, so i stand up, and the meth head guy walks over to me saying "you think you're a big boy?"
then before i can do anything, connor gets up, walks around the table and starts fighting with this guy. i'm trying to punch the tweaker too, but he keeps moving around to the other side of conner. too much meth, maybe. but this guy had definately fought more than one person at a time before. i think i got one or two punches in, but they didn't really hit their mark.
the bartender, who's this little weenie college kid breaks up the fight, then tells US to leave. Not the tweaker. the tweaker takes a suckerpunch at connor, and the fight starts up again. it gets broken up again and then the tweaker says to the bartender "no man, it's all cool, we were just having a good time."
and like the weenie he was, the bartender didn't do anything and let everyone stay. the tweaker left. then a half hour later, we got tired of being in that stupid little punk/hipster bar and went across the street to a motown lounge that was mostly older black people from the neighborhood. we had a much better time there.
"i don't think the people at this bar would have put up with that guy either."
does anyone know about the angry young men? it's a british writing group that was around in the 50s. i only know about alan sillitoe and i'm trying to find out about more of their authors.
at the risk of being unpopular, i will admit that i hate the beat writers. what was the basis of what they wrote? that they were junkies and pedophiles. that's it. it's not cool, it's not artistic, and it doesn't even make sense when you read it. it's a bunch of people being pretentious to the point where they began to fool enough people into thinking that they actually were these great writers. but they were just a bunch of child molesters who thought it was deep to stick needles in their dicks and write about it.
i don't know where this came anyone still reading this?
Philadelphia is a weird city. It's kinda cool in its own way though. It's one of the few cities I've been to that still has these full scale white ghettos. Some neighborhoods haven't changed much since people moved there from places like Poland, Ireland, and Italy back in the 20s.
In Philly the youth gangs are different. It's not like Bloods, Cips, Latin Kings and all that. The gangs are all based around what set of streets you live on. People would refer to them as 2nd and jackson or 16th and morris. I would imagine that method of neighborhood organization came with the Irish. Cities like Belfast are like that in the way that they're divided up by Green and Orange neighborhoods. Provisional IRA, Sinn Feinn, the real IRA, etc. UDA, UVF, etc.
Other than that, I've only ever heard of a few biker gangs and mafia being around there.
I had this one friend Connor who grew up in Philly. Connor was one of these thugs who grew up in South Philly's Irish American ghetto. They call them 2 streeters down there. He did some time in juvie, moved to california, then married a beautiful stripper, and moved back to philly.
Connor's probably one of the toughest guys I know. He's a big guy, but he kind of carries hikmself like a socially awkward D&D geek. I guess I would too if I went through what he did. I've had a pretty tough life myself, but i'm not even in the same league as this guy.
he told me once that he killed another inmate in juvie. broke his head open with a piece of a toilet. there was a lot of racial tension and he had to do something to ensure his safety. he said that when you kill someone, it kills a little part of you. i really didn't know what to say when he told me that. all i could do was tell him about the skeletons in my closet. even though they couldn't compare to what he did, i still felt obliged to tell him something. there's no reason to keep secrets when your friend tells you something like that.
One time we were out at the bar with our friend Pauly, and each of their girlfriends. there was this one big black dude who was talking to us and acting kind of weird. the guy was a total tweaker. i could tell because i used to do meth too. he kept on butting in to our conversations, he was staring, he was rambling, twitching his jaw. he had no concern for manners.
just out of the blue this tweaker guy starts bothering pauly about his stretched ears, bringing up all sorts of racial shit.
finally Pauly says to him "mind your own business." the guy gets up and gets in pauly's face.
"that was rude. i think you should apoligize." pauly started to apoligize but me and connor were saying to the guy "he doesn't have to apoligize."
the tweaker won't even look at us, so i stand up, and the meth head guy walks over to me saying "you think you're a big boy?"
then before i can do anything, connor gets up, walks around the table and starts fighting with this guy. i'm trying to punch the tweaker too, but he keeps moving around to the other side of conner. too much meth, maybe. but this guy had definately fought more than one person at a time before. i think i got one or two punches in, but they didn't really hit their mark.
the bartender, who's this little weenie college kid breaks up the fight, then tells US to leave. Not the tweaker. the tweaker takes a suckerpunch at connor, and the fight starts up again. it gets broken up again and then the tweaker says to the bartender "no man, it's all cool, we were just having a good time."
and like the weenie he was, the bartender didn't do anything and let everyone stay. the tweaker left. then a half hour later, we got tired of being in that stupid little punk/hipster bar and went across the street to a motown lounge that was mostly older black people from the neighborhood. we had a much better time there.
"i don't think the people at this bar would have put up with that guy either."
does anyone know about the angry young men? it's a british writing group that was around in the 50s. i only know about alan sillitoe and i'm trying to find out about more of their authors.
at the risk of being unpopular, i will admit that i hate the beat writers. what was the basis of what they wrote? that they were junkies and pedophiles. that's it. it's not cool, it's not artistic, and it doesn't even make sense when you read it. it's a bunch of people being pretentious to the point where they began to fool enough people into thinking that they actually were these great writers. but they were just a bunch of child molesters who thought it was deep to stick needles in their dicks and write about it.
i don't know where this came anyone still reading this?
they mostly sing in swedish and if you need a translation I probably can help
The cursed town you talked about sounds really interesting...and scary