Of all the urban myths and suburban legends, there are very few of them that you rarely discover if theres any truth to them or not (well, at least before the show myth busters). Thats the whole point of an urban myth, and thats the whole philosophy of the people who make up these stories. If theres no way to find out, nobody will find out, and the fact that the story alone is funny and amusing will keep people believing the myth because thats what they want to believe. If anyone asks the kid who gave himself a blowjob with the vacuum cleaner if he did it, hell just say Fuck you.
So when my friend Steve and I heard stories about a secret midget village, we had to check it out. As the story goes, theres a secret town for midgets hidden off the back roads of some town. All the buildings were built for midgets, to midget scale, and if big people entered they would throw rocks and sticks at you to chase you away. First, it was either Glastonbury or Hebron, then we heard more about one place off of Rte 32 in Willimantic.
Willimantic is a town not far from where I live now. Its your typical blue-collar factory town in the northeast that has less than half the factories it used to. Its a town thats living on its past glory. I think sometime between the civil war and the 1920s, it earned the nickname of thread city, due to its once booming textile industry. For some reason that is well beyond me, the city is trying to change its nickname to the frog city. So its okay to say that Willimantics glory days are long over. Willimantics only recent claim to fame is that 2 years ago, the city was a feature story on 60 minutes for its heroin problem.
Its weird; the city of Willimantic is very similar to the hookers that you find there. Old, worn out, and past their prime. For whatever reason, theyre still out there working there asses for what its worth at this point its not very much. Those hookers are Willimantics very own.
One night at about midnight, when Steve, Sofi, and I were doing acid, we got the bright idea to convince Cooter and his friend Scott to take us out there in Scotts Ford Bronco. The Bronco was big, and if need be, Scott could save us by plowing over the horde of angry midgets that would cut out legs off and condemn us to live the rest of our lives being less than 4 feet tall.
Of course they agreed. Who could resist? So we drove around, and eventually found the spot across from the IGA. There was a big sign out front that said Willimantic Camp Meeting and another one saying that these grounds were set apart for the private worship of god or something. We just took it as a mysterious midget cult warning and drove down the driveway to our potential death.
The first few houses near the road were just normal, so we were kind of getting ready to be disappointed, but then everything started looking really weird. It crept up on us because theyre all built to scale, and it looks like theyre farther away then they are, but they were 2 story houses with ceilings that were only about 6 tall (2 meters for our foreign friends). In most regular buildings, the standard ceiling height is 8 high, for people whore normally around 6 tall. So, the people living in these houses with the 6 ceilings must be around 4 tall.
There were plenty of tiny houses, all built into one village, with this weird outdoor altar built under a pavilion in the center of the little village. We didnt see any midgets because by this time it was 2 in the morning. But one car drove in late and my friend Steve swore that there were midgets in the car. He was the only one who saw them (or so he says) but the rest of us believed him anyways because we kind of wanted to. It was disappointing to come all this way and not see any midgets in a town that was supposed to be full of them.
That was pretty much it for the midget town even if nobody really saw any midgets. It would have been cool if they all came out in green hats and gave us presents, but we were all pretty satisfied with what we had seen.
This past September about 4 or 5 years later, I was attending a class for my apprenticeship in the carpenters union and Im talking to this Christian guy at break time who I find out just bought a house in Willimantic for $10,000.
Holy shit, I said. Whered you find a house for that cheap during this real estate boom?
Do you know where Willimantic Camp Meeting is? he asks.
The midget town?
Yea, the midget town, ha-ha a Norwich local pipes in.
Everybodys saying that, what the heck. The Christian guy says. You could tell he was getting a little annoyed by hearing that so much. There are no midgets at the Willimantic camp meeting and there never were. The camp meeting is nothing but a private religious community like the sign says at the entrance. Whoever the architects were just had a screwy idea of how to build a house.
This particular church deals mainly with prostitutes and recovering heroin junkies. I guess the point is too have a support base around you of people like yourself, so its easier to stay away from the dope without leaving your entire family behind. As much of an atheist as I am, Im glad to see that people are making some attempt to better their lives. even if it is through jesus.
The Christian guy at my apprenticeship class was telling me about a woman at his church who had just relapsed. She got into an accident on route 32 when she nodded out behind the wheel and hit another car. Its really a shame, because heroin is a problem that goes a lot deeper than religeon.
on another note, I had a great time in Boston on new years and I think the car bomb is my new favorite drink. It's cool because my friends up there are into fashion design, so most of their friends at the party were either women or gay men, which makes it 100% easier to get some action.
i was even making out with some girl and getting into the heavy petting, but she was real drunk and passed out on me. so that was the end of that.... dammit.
has that ever happened to anyone else?
So when my friend Steve and I heard stories about a secret midget village, we had to check it out. As the story goes, theres a secret town for midgets hidden off the back roads of some town. All the buildings were built for midgets, to midget scale, and if big people entered they would throw rocks and sticks at you to chase you away. First, it was either Glastonbury or Hebron, then we heard more about one place off of Rte 32 in Willimantic.
Willimantic is a town not far from where I live now. Its your typical blue-collar factory town in the northeast that has less than half the factories it used to. Its a town thats living on its past glory. I think sometime between the civil war and the 1920s, it earned the nickname of thread city, due to its once booming textile industry. For some reason that is well beyond me, the city is trying to change its nickname to the frog city. So its okay to say that Willimantics glory days are long over. Willimantics only recent claim to fame is that 2 years ago, the city was a feature story on 60 minutes for its heroin problem.
Its weird; the city of Willimantic is very similar to the hookers that you find there. Old, worn out, and past their prime. For whatever reason, theyre still out there working there asses for what its worth at this point its not very much. Those hookers are Willimantics very own.
One night at about midnight, when Steve, Sofi, and I were doing acid, we got the bright idea to convince Cooter and his friend Scott to take us out there in Scotts Ford Bronco. The Bronco was big, and if need be, Scott could save us by plowing over the horde of angry midgets that would cut out legs off and condemn us to live the rest of our lives being less than 4 feet tall.
Of course they agreed. Who could resist? So we drove around, and eventually found the spot across from the IGA. There was a big sign out front that said Willimantic Camp Meeting and another one saying that these grounds were set apart for the private worship of god or something. We just took it as a mysterious midget cult warning and drove down the driveway to our potential death.
The first few houses near the road were just normal, so we were kind of getting ready to be disappointed, but then everything started looking really weird. It crept up on us because theyre all built to scale, and it looks like theyre farther away then they are, but they were 2 story houses with ceilings that were only about 6 tall (2 meters for our foreign friends). In most regular buildings, the standard ceiling height is 8 high, for people whore normally around 6 tall. So, the people living in these houses with the 6 ceilings must be around 4 tall.
There were plenty of tiny houses, all built into one village, with this weird outdoor altar built under a pavilion in the center of the little village. We didnt see any midgets because by this time it was 2 in the morning. But one car drove in late and my friend Steve swore that there were midgets in the car. He was the only one who saw them (or so he says) but the rest of us believed him anyways because we kind of wanted to. It was disappointing to come all this way and not see any midgets in a town that was supposed to be full of them.
That was pretty much it for the midget town even if nobody really saw any midgets. It would have been cool if they all came out in green hats and gave us presents, but we were all pretty satisfied with what we had seen.
This past September about 4 or 5 years later, I was attending a class for my apprenticeship in the carpenters union and Im talking to this Christian guy at break time who I find out just bought a house in Willimantic for $10,000.
Holy shit, I said. Whered you find a house for that cheap during this real estate boom?
Do you know where Willimantic Camp Meeting is? he asks.
The midget town?
Yea, the midget town, ha-ha a Norwich local pipes in.
Everybodys saying that, what the heck. The Christian guy says. You could tell he was getting a little annoyed by hearing that so much. There are no midgets at the Willimantic camp meeting and there never were. The camp meeting is nothing but a private religious community like the sign says at the entrance. Whoever the architects were just had a screwy idea of how to build a house.
This particular church deals mainly with prostitutes and recovering heroin junkies. I guess the point is too have a support base around you of people like yourself, so its easier to stay away from the dope without leaving your entire family behind. As much of an atheist as I am, Im glad to see that people are making some attempt to better their lives. even if it is through jesus.
The Christian guy at my apprenticeship class was telling me about a woman at his church who had just relapsed. She got into an accident on route 32 when she nodded out behind the wheel and hit another car. Its really a shame, because heroin is a problem that goes a lot deeper than religeon.
on another note, I had a great time in Boston on new years and I think the car bomb is my new favorite drink. It's cool because my friends up there are into fashion design, so most of their friends at the party were either women or gay men, which makes it 100% easier to get some action.
i was even making out with some girl and getting into the heavy petting, but she was real drunk and passed out on me. so that was the end of that.... dammit.
has that ever happened to anyone else?
I was staying with my friend and his girlfriend in her dorm room, I was sleeping on the floor, I woke up feeling like someone was choking me, I could not move. I actually tryed calling for help but couldn't because of the choking. All I saw was a cloudy mass above me. Felt like an eternity but was about a minute. I stayed awake the rest of the night in the fetal position. After that I NEVER went back. I never believed in the "supernatural" until that night.
As for the little people, have not been there, I think there is some kind of hole to hell somewhere in CT also. And I think the warrens live in monroe/newtown. They're supposed to have some kind of collection of haunted/cursed items like "firday the 13th the series" some doll and such,
I think you should buy a digital camera, they dont cost that much these days and you dont need that many megapixels I think digital camera changed my life permanently.
I have hear of Nile but actually haven't ever heard theyr songs, better check it out...