i think I'm becoming the new owner of the MMA group. Drama is leaving the site and he selected me to be the new owner and everyone there seems to support the decision. so, wish Drama well if you haven't, and if you're interested join the group.
That said, it's hard to pick a winner for the Griffin vs Jackson fight coming up. I like them both, I think they're both champion material and are real classy guys. They're hilarious.... but the only thing is Forrest is the underdog in this fight and that might make me root for him.
I'm still going to my Gracie jiu-jitsu school, but while I have some time, I joined the roughhouse it's an MMA school and I love going there. the 2 coaches are awesome. the striking classes are so much better than the bando school I was training at before. This guy teaches MMA striking. It's a hybrid of western boxing, muay thai, and it's altered a little bit futher for MMA. for example, you can't give away your hips to a takedown like a boxer or muay thai fighter might because there are no takedowns in those sports.
That said, it's hard to pick a winner for the Griffin vs Jackson fight coming up. I like them both, I think they're both champion material and are real classy guys. They're hilarious.... but the only thing is Forrest is the underdog in this fight and that might make me root for him.
I'm still going to my Gracie jiu-jitsu school, but while I have some time, I joined the roughhouse it's an MMA school and I love going there. the 2 coaches are awesome. the striking classes are so much better than the bando school I was training at before. This guy teaches MMA striking. It's a hybrid of western boxing, muay thai, and it's altered a little bit futher for MMA. for example, you can't give away your hips to a takedown like a boxer or muay thai fighter might because there are no takedowns in those sports.
hahah yea i specifically picked that one cuz he looked gay. i thought it was kinda funny concidering the macho men they are supposed to be.
is that kind of like "beware of geeks bearing gifts?"