Here's a funny story.
last night was UFC 84, so i stayed up late to watch bj penn vs sean sherk and went to be immediately after because i get up fairly early and train alot during the day. i don't have the energy to stay up much longer than midnight. I slept at Nina's house and i woke up around 2:30 am and Nina still wasn't in bed. I'm in bed naked and kinda groggy. Nina's son is at his grandma's, so i figure I'll just walk out to see what Nina's doing to get her to come to bed. i walk out there with a morning wood boner poking out and Nina is on SG chat with her webcam on, and i am standing right in the background! i saw myself in the little camera viewer and everything. Nina turns around all shocked and goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???" and i hear someone's audio from chat going "Oh my god!"
i tried to run up in front of the camera and do a little dance, but Nina shut it off out of embarrassment. it was hilarious! something that good couldn't have been planned. i had the comedy chi working for me last night.
and the funny thing is, you know how you go into chat, there's all these pervs who just sit there wanking away to any girl with a cam on? I like to think some of them were wanking away at nina in her hoodie when i walked in. i can understand if some girl is flashing dudes on chat, then you have to expect that people are gonna play with themselves. this is a porn site after all....but some of these guys on chat are just gross cuz a girl could be sitting there in a snowsuit and the guys will put their cams on their cocks and just start beating away furiously. i hope i ruined their wet dreams
last night was UFC 84, so i stayed up late to watch bj penn vs sean sherk and went to be immediately after because i get up fairly early and train alot during the day. i don't have the energy to stay up much longer than midnight. I slept at Nina's house and i woke up around 2:30 am and Nina still wasn't in bed. I'm in bed naked and kinda groggy. Nina's son is at his grandma's, so i figure I'll just walk out to see what Nina's doing to get her to come to bed. i walk out there with a morning wood boner poking out and Nina is on SG chat with her webcam on, and i am standing right in the background! i saw myself in the little camera viewer and everything. Nina turns around all shocked and goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???" and i hear someone's audio from chat going "Oh my god!"
i tried to run up in front of the camera and do a little dance, but Nina shut it off out of embarrassment. it was hilarious! something that good couldn't have been planned. i had the comedy chi working for me last night.
and the funny thing is, you know how you go into chat, there's all these pervs who just sit there wanking away to any girl with a cam on? I like to think some of them were wanking away at nina in her hoodie when i walked in. i can understand if some girl is flashing dudes on chat, then you have to expect that people are gonna play with themselves. this is a porn site after all....but some of these guys on chat are just gross cuz a girl could be sitting there in a snowsuit and the guys will put their cams on their cocks and just start beating away furiously. i hope i ruined their wet dreams

geesies is teh awesome! kind of like you... 

i see you...stalk, stalk, stalk....