I'm gonna start tattooing later this month! woohoo! if you live close by me, you should have me practice on you. it would be awesome and it will be cheap! in another year, i can quit construction!

but i have been very busy lately. i'm enjoying being busy. i feel productive, and it's good to have money from working alot again. it also helps me get my mind off the crappy drama that was caused by the last woman i was seeing. there's nothing like lots of hard work to get you through tough times.
9/9 boston tattoo convention!
...and i have been treated for lyme disease. i'm okay now but i still have the bite mark on my wrist. it's not sore and burning anymore and it's starting to dry up.

but i have been very busy lately. i'm enjoying being busy. i feel productive, and it's good to have money from working alot again. it also helps me get my mind off the crappy drama that was caused by the last woman i was seeing. there's nothing like lots of hard work to get you through tough times.
9/9 boston tattoo convention!
...and i have been treated for lyme disease. i'm okay now but i still have the bite mark on my wrist. it's not sore and burning anymore and it's starting to dry up.
I love being more busy than not as well. Somehow when I am not busy, my brain kinda melts away...