alright...for some weird reason, i hear people on this site like tattoos.... so here we go!
so nobody has to ask me what my sign is.
our state is one that was fortunate enough to have a cool design on its quarter..... it's sooo cool, that you could modify it slightly and have a good design for a tattoo.
by the way, i got these done at new wind tattoos on rua augusta in sao paulo. i love the guys there, they rule! besides, including the snake tattoo on my leg that i haven't taken a photo of yet, i spent 280 brasilian reals, which comes to a little over $100....for what would have cost me $350-$400 if i got all these tattoos done in the states. i am one helluva smart thinkin' free trade invester! look out world bank! here i come!
okay this store is in the gallery of rock, a 4 floor mall in sao paulo that's all stores that sell rock n roll type stuff, skate boards, piercing & tattoo places, etc...
i took a picture of this store because it reminds me of a joke some friends of mine used to have. have you ever seen a hippie dance to hip hop music? well, i've seen lots, and only seen them do one dance move. you raise a leg out forward, then you raise that same arm out forward and hold it up while you bounce up and down on the other leg. then you switch legs for a few more bounces. it kinda looks like the hippy has his leg on some marionette strings....
and that my friends, is the hippie hop.
here's a pic that a little girl at an MTST squatter camp took of me. the MTST is the homeless workers movement. i will tell you more about the MTST when i have more pics up....for now you can look at my pretty face.
while in Brazil, i was lucky enough to meet the talented
Lavezzaro but i got no pictures. we made plans like 3 times but only got to hang out once. everything was so hectic, i wanted to do a million things, and she was just as busy. tried to do an SB set, we didn't get to do it, so i'll have to fall back on plan B.
i did however get pictures of lu66.
these are the best 2 pics. it's funny because you had 2 people who are both equally self-conscious, trying to take a good picture. so when one of us would like the picture, the other would say something like "i don't like that one, my face looks weird," or "no, my neck looks really fat in that one." so we took like 10 photos.
alright, so this is the only pic i got of a fine brazilian ass while i was there. i'm sorry, i'm just not the one to go to the beach with a camera and take photos of every random girl in a thong.
okay, so lu66 came with me to get a tattoo that i haven't taken a picture of yet, but it's a big rattlesnake on the side of my calf.
when i was getting tattooed, this other kinda indie rockish looking Brazilian girl came in to get stars tattoooed on her hamstrings right below her butt and above her knees. she starts getting tattooed and she's making all this noise about how it hurts so much. we're like wtf??? and she's all crying and yelling, and putting on this big obnoxious show for everyone to see.
the tattoo artist doesn't even finish the first star and she has to quit. her eyes are all teared up and she just can't take it anymore. i told her to get back on that chair and finish that tattoo. i think she understood me. tattoos can hurt, but they really aren't that bad.
the tattoo artist doing her tattoo was the guy at the shop who's known for having a pretty light hand. so now this stupid girl has a partially colored in star on the back of one of her legs. what a fucking idiot. what a waste of time and money....i matter how much it hurt, i don't see the point in quitting once the needle is in there. maybe if you're getting something big and you're at a good stopping point, but that's it.
me and my tattoo artist were laughing at her because she was such a big crybaby. i couldn't think of who she reminded me of unitl lu66 and i walked by a store on our search for ice cream and saw an advertisement with paris hilton. one of the few times i've seen her show is when paris and nicole were with firefighters and they had to climb down a ladder. they both were screaming and crying because they didn't want to do it.....fuckin'a.... it's just pathetic how some people are really spoiled like that.

so nobody has to ask me what my sign is.

our state is one that was fortunate enough to have a cool design on its quarter..... it's sooo cool, that you could modify it slightly and have a good design for a tattoo.
by the way, i got these done at new wind tattoos on rua augusta in sao paulo. i love the guys there, they rule! besides, including the snake tattoo on my leg that i haven't taken a photo of yet, i spent 280 brasilian reals, which comes to a little over $100....for what would have cost me $350-$400 if i got all these tattoos done in the states. i am one helluva smart thinkin' free trade invester! look out world bank! here i come!

okay this store is in the gallery of rock, a 4 floor mall in sao paulo that's all stores that sell rock n roll type stuff, skate boards, piercing & tattoo places, etc...
i took a picture of this store because it reminds me of a joke some friends of mine used to have. have you ever seen a hippie dance to hip hop music? well, i've seen lots, and only seen them do one dance move. you raise a leg out forward, then you raise that same arm out forward and hold it up while you bounce up and down on the other leg. then you switch legs for a few more bounces. it kinda looks like the hippy has his leg on some marionette strings....
and that my friends, is the hippie hop.

while in Brazil, i was lucky enough to meet the talented
Lavezzaro but i got no pictures. we made plans like 3 times but only got to hang out once. everything was so hectic, i wanted to do a million things, and she was just as busy. tried to do an SB set, we didn't get to do it, so i'll have to fall back on plan B.
i did however get pictures of lu66.

these are the best 2 pics. it's funny because you had 2 people who are both equally self-conscious, trying to take a good picture. so when one of us would like the picture, the other would say something like "i don't like that one, my face looks weird," or "no, my neck looks really fat in that one." so we took like 10 photos.

alright, so this is the only pic i got of a fine brazilian ass while i was there. i'm sorry, i'm just not the one to go to the beach with a camera and take photos of every random girl in a thong.
okay, so lu66 came with me to get a tattoo that i haven't taken a picture of yet, but it's a big rattlesnake on the side of my calf.
when i was getting tattooed, this other kinda indie rockish looking Brazilian girl came in to get stars tattoooed on her hamstrings right below her butt and above her knees. she starts getting tattooed and she's making all this noise about how it hurts so much. we're like wtf??? and she's all crying and yelling, and putting on this big obnoxious show for everyone to see.
the tattoo artist doesn't even finish the first star and she has to quit. her eyes are all teared up and she just can't take it anymore. i told her to get back on that chair and finish that tattoo. i think she understood me. tattoos can hurt, but they really aren't that bad.
the tattoo artist doing her tattoo was the guy at the shop who's known for having a pretty light hand. so now this stupid girl has a partially colored in star on the back of one of her legs. what a fucking idiot. what a waste of time and money....i matter how much it hurt, i don't see the point in quitting once the needle is in there. maybe if you're getting something big and you're at a good stopping point, but that's it.
me and my tattoo artist were laughing at her because she was such a big crybaby. i couldn't think of who she reminded me of unitl lu66 and i walked by a store on our search for ice cream and saw an advertisement with paris hilton. one of the few times i've seen her show is when paris and nicole were with firefighters and they had to climb down a ladder. they both were screaming and crying because they didn't want to do it.....fuckin'a.... it's just pathetic how some people are really spoiled like that.
Dear Vegan,
How can one live in a Modern World and claim Veganism? Do you not feel the guilt for the animals that were killed and habitat was destroyed, for the products you purchase to live in a modern world.
Ex: The computer that you are using for your website was made in a factory. A factory was built and doing so, kills animals and destroys those poor defenseless animals' habitats.
How can a poor ground squirrel stand up to a D9 Catapillar bulldozer?
Do you wonder everytime you check your e-mail how many squirrels died for your latest joke of the day?
Thank you, have a nice day,
Love, your neighbor and friend,
Bob the meat eater.
Do I not have a point here? joe?
[Edited on Jan 28, 2006 12:49AM]
"How can one live in a Modern World and claim Veganism? Do you not feel the guilt for the animals that were killed and habitat was destroyed, for the products you purchase to live in a modern world."
There is no 100% vegan. The point of veganism is to reduce harm to animals (and often the environment and humans too) as much as possible. Some realistic ways of reducing the harm you cause are... are not eating animal.. this is very easy if you're willing to either spend the money for speciality products (expensive, just because it's specialty) or cook from scratch (dirt cheap), o some combination thereof. Also, not wearing animal products. Also not hard to accomplish. The point is not to not use ANY animal products, but to use as little as possible. Living without a computer is not reasonable for most people. Living without that fur coat is.
Personally, I take a slightly different view... I'm more concerned with environment and human rights than animal rights, though I still oppose factory farming which treats animals horrendously. I also avoid synthetic fibers which take forever to biodigrade, like plastics. If I could wear untreated leather I would.. unfortunately leather tanneries are really nasty on the environment and so not any better than plastics. I not only don't eat animal products, I also try to stick to organics, as the pesticides and herbacides in conventional foods just end up in our bodies, animal's bodies, water, earth, etc. I'll stress that for most vegans, though, anything is a go as long as it doesn't contain animal products, regardless of environmental hazard.