so last week i went to NYC to get my tourist VISA from the Brazilian consulate. Everything's golden...everything's good. i can't believe this is happening. it was either a toss up between europe and Brazil, and it ended up that i was talking to my Brazilian friend more than my european friends so i chose Brazil. Brazil is a place I didn't know much about until a little while ago. all i knew about Brazil was from watching nature programs about the rainforest. since i've met other punks and hardcore Brazilian kids much like myself, i've been interested in going.
this is my first time out of the country. there has been so many times before when i've tried to travel and i didn't have enough, or something went wrong and i couldn't go. there's always been people i've envied who got money for nothing and were able to travel all the time overseas and cross country. i've worked hard, paid my debts and my dues, saved my money, and now i'm going. traveling and seeing the world has always been my life's dream. this is my dream and i've earned it. that's what's gonna make it even sweeter. i'm really proud of myself for this. i only regret that i can't spend more time down there.
my time in new york! weird, i ran into a handful of people i knew, and some of whom i never expected to see again until i saw them in NYC. i looked around in so many stores and i spent way too much money for someone who should be saving up for his vacation. i went and saw some lectures at blue stockings books -the feminist book collective. i saw my friend Pat from Baltimore, I saw some girl who was in an indymedia video about the Seattle WTO protests, saw a guy from my old court case, saw SG Anarcha who kindly let me into her school lounge to check my email, and I stayed at my sister Kelly's apartment. Actually one of my Kelly's friends from highschool was there and when she saw me she said "wow! you're a man now!"
and i said "When was I ever a woman?"
I bought this really cool belt with bondage rings on it, and i also got my dick pierced. It's sort of a frenum piercing but it's a lot lower, near my balls.
and what the fuck, gay guys were attracted to me like flies to shit. 3 guys at the piercing place were all hitting on me, and later one guy at the Brazilian consulate started a conversation with me then told me i was handsome. it was all terribly flattering, but i can't say i would really enjoy casual sex with random strange men. between this and the CD i got last week, i'm beginning to think somebody's out there spreading rumors.
small rant:
i don't get it, most of the times i talk to someone from italy or france, and sometimes canada, they are terribly obsessed with being nationalistic pointing out how americans are dumb because our president is an asshole and we don't have universal healthcare and their cheese and wine is better than our cheese and wine. therefore, they have so much of a better country than we do.
i am not nationalistic, and nobody needs to lecture me on why my government sucks. i know this. but France? and Italy? and sometimes Canada? come on... like those governments all don't have their hands in dirty politics somewhere. Those countries are all on the G8. If it wasn't for French business interests, we would have never been involved in the Vietnam war. and wasn't there just huge riots and general strikes spreading all over France because of the problems with widespread poverty and police brutality?
Get off my freakin' back with this "my government is better than your government" crap because all governments are bullshit, and they would all exploit and oppress their own population to any extent if they could make a profit off of it.
real change comes from democratic peoples movements...not from the government.
want examples? read your history!
this is my first time out of the country. there has been so many times before when i've tried to travel and i didn't have enough, or something went wrong and i couldn't go. there's always been people i've envied who got money for nothing and were able to travel all the time overseas and cross country. i've worked hard, paid my debts and my dues, saved my money, and now i'm going. traveling and seeing the world has always been my life's dream. this is my dream and i've earned it. that's what's gonna make it even sweeter. i'm really proud of myself for this. i only regret that i can't spend more time down there.
my time in new york! weird, i ran into a handful of people i knew, and some of whom i never expected to see again until i saw them in NYC. i looked around in so many stores and i spent way too much money for someone who should be saving up for his vacation. i went and saw some lectures at blue stockings books -the feminist book collective. i saw my friend Pat from Baltimore, I saw some girl who was in an indymedia video about the Seattle WTO protests, saw a guy from my old court case, saw SG Anarcha who kindly let me into her school lounge to check my email, and I stayed at my sister Kelly's apartment. Actually one of my Kelly's friends from highschool was there and when she saw me she said "wow! you're a man now!"
and i said "When was I ever a woman?"
I bought this really cool belt with bondage rings on it, and i also got my dick pierced. It's sort of a frenum piercing but it's a lot lower, near my balls.
and what the fuck, gay guys were attracted to me like flies to shit. 3 guys at the piercing place were all hitting on me, and later one guy at the Brazilian consulate started a conversation with me then told me i was handsome. it was all terribly flattering, but i can't say i would really enjoy casual sex with random strange men. between this and the CD i got last week, i'm beginning to think somebody's out there spreading rumors.

small rant:
i don't get it, most of the times i talk to someone from italy or france, and sometimes canada, they are terribly obsessed with being nationalistic pointing out how americans are dumb because our president is an asshole and we don't have universal healthcare and their cheese and wine is better than our cheese and wine. therefore, they have so much of a better country than we do.
i am not nationalistic, and nobody needs to lecture me on why my government sucks. i know this. but France? and Italy? and sometimes Canada? come on... like those governments all don't have their hands in dirty politics somewhere. Those countries are all on the G8. If it wasn't for French business interests, we would have never been involved in the Vietnam war. and wasn't there just huge riots and general strikes spreading all over France because of the problems with widespread poverty and police brutality?
Get off my freakin' back with this "my government is better than your government" crap because all governments are bullshit, and they would all exploit and oppress their own population to any extent if they could make a profit off of it.
real change comes from democratic peoples movements...not from the government.
want examples? read your history!
i hear the women in brazil are generally pretty. you should have fun. and no, i was not a drama geek. i actually haven't seen brazil, i was just being a dork. but i hear its crazy and i will probably rent it soon.
we've gotten so few submissions this year that we're thinking of extending the deadline anyway.