i used to love updating my journal, but now it can be a total pain in the ass. i really don't know what to write about.
i'm working on my zine some more, but right now i'm fucking pissed because i can't find this notepad that i wrote down a good story in.
still planning on going to brazil....
i went to 2 parties last weekend, one was kinda boring, then i went to another one and had a great time. i drank waaayyy too much though. i drank so much that i didn't even want to drink this weekend. i lasted til the end of the party without making a total ass of myself, which is a good thing. i really don't drink too much, but i totally over did it last week.
oh shit! after five years of lifting weights on and off, i can finally bench press my weight at 205! woohoo! yay for me! i've always been about 5-10 lbs under my weight when i did my bench press maximum. it's been my goal for 5 years to bench press my weight and it's kinda tough when you're trying to gain weight at the same time.
speaking of which, don't you just love this?
i'd like to be a total girly girl for just one minute and swoon and faint and land in arms like that. haha, i like being able to say that and get away with it.
i will once again state how much i hate how alternative type people have this thing against sports and being strong and athletic. it's soo fucking dumb. Just because some jocks picked on you in highschool, doesn't mean that everyone who works out or likes watching sports is an idiot....i hate that
i'm working on my zine some more, but right now i'm fucking pissed because i can't find this notepad that i wrote down a good story in.
still planning on going to brazil....
i went to 2 parties last weekend, one was kinda boring, then i went to another one and had a great time. i drank waaayyy too much though. i drank so much that i didn't even want to drink this weekend. i lasted til the end of the party without making a total ass of myself, which is a good thing. i really don't drink too much, but i totally over did it last week.
oh shit! after five years of lifting weights on and off, i can finally bench press my weight at 205! woohoo! yay for me! i've always been about 5-10 lbs under my weight when i did my bench press maximum. it's been my goal for 5 years to bench press my weight and it's kinda tough when you're trying to gain weight at the same time.
speaking of which, don't you just love this?

i'd like to be a total girly girl for just one minute and swoon and faint and land in arms like that. haha, i like being able to say that and get away with it.

i will once again state how much i hate how alternative type people have this thing against sports and being strong and athletic. it's soo fucking dumb. Just because some jocks picked on you in highschool, doesn't mean that everyone who works out or likes watching sports is an idiot....i hate that

'Cause I know atleast you snorted.
Child support,10%= baby's mama support,90%
Its sad but true.