So, my wife informed me of your bullshit judgemental call out on my wife today. She was in line with our 2 children, Levi and Kylar. She was alone because I'm at work busting my ass off. You comment on how cute and adorable her children are. Then she proceeds to pay for her groceries. YOU, notice that she is paying for the food with state funded food stamps and also purchasing alcohol. And what do you do, you fuckin self entitled prick? You begin to berate my wife as if you have any inclination as to our woes.
Let me inform you of something, you fucking over indulged piece of fucking shit. I am god damn veteran of fucking war. I served my shit hole country (and I am certainly allowed to call it that. Because when I went in I was vain, naive, 18 and BELIEVED my country was GREAT!) I served my country! Not so twatwaffles like you can poke your fat filthy fingers into the chests of the average American with your ideas and visions of "what's wrong with this country". If you're SOOOO concerned with what people are doing with their earned money AND their assisted money from the government, then tell me this MR. MASERATTI. How does a veteran of foreign wars come home and require food stamps? Oh, I should get a degree? I DO!
I have a degree in a business that no longer exists in my current state of residence, because our fearless Senator rid our state of the very life force that I attained my degree in. So now that my career doesn't exist in this state anymore (Film Production in Florida) I'm now required to utilize other skills. I am currently recovering from a year of crap and this (THANKFULLY) is the last month I will even need food stamps. I, ALONE, provide enough for my family. Long after a time when I couldn't. From a time when I could.
Oh, I should just uproot and relocate to a place where my career exists? Tell me how that would work? What? Move my family to L.A., where Bachelor's and Bachelorettes are? Where they have more time and opportunities? I don't stand a fuckin chance in hell there. No! I will stay right here asshole.
So, if you're SOOOO fuckin concerned about what your tax dollars are doing and you look at my wife in disgust. With all the energy you put into hating my wife using state funded money to purchase food for her family, AND my hard earned paychecks for alcohol. Why don't you look deeper. I'm a veteran who needed food stamps. A FUCKING VETERAN WHO NEEDED FOOD STAMPS!