been awhile since i posted anything. not really sure if anyone reads these, but oh well. just passed thanks giving. what a wreck of a weekend that was. drama, car wreck(not me), stupidness and general hatred. what was supposed to be a nice 4 day weekend turned sour quickly after i got out of work wednesday. friend to drunk and fighting with his girlfriend. sister fighting with her friend. people missing. friend taking WAY to many pills and driving his car through a ditch and into a field. 3 hours of sleep. turkey day. lunch with dad. supper with mom. drinks at home. trust issues with friends. drunk disaster and chaos at the house. 4 hours of sleep. wake, clean and get ready to go to a concert with 3 friends. one canceled. now 2 friends. both soon cancel after that. try to find someone, anyone, to go with me. 4 tickets gone to waste. 3 hours sleep. cook for the O.S.U. VS U.M. game. good food. a few friends. alone after the game. clean. people come over. 0 - retarded drunk in 1 hour. friend passes out in bedroom. pukes throughout the night. wakes up, cleans what he can and leaves before i wake up. 5 hours of sleep for me. wake up to mess in house. hooray. clean. go see friends new born girl. home. pain. agony. hatred. 4 hours sleep, work. fucking lame shit.
hopefully, these next few weeks go by alright. got a friends band playing out saturday(dec 4) then the weekend after that(dec 11) i'm having xmas with mom and sisters. sister go on cruise after that and i go to VEGAS the weekend after that(dec 24 - jan 2). after that....alots gonna change around here. i turn 30 in january, scares me. gonna lay down the law. respect is an issue and friends are gonna hear about it. soon to be very lonely after january due to the fact that i probably won't have any friends. more lame shit.....
hopefully, these next few weeks go by alright. got a friends band playing out saturday(dec 4) then the weekend after that(dec 11) i'm having xmas with mom and sisters. sister go on cruise after that and i go to VEGAS the weekend after that(dec 24 - jan 2). after that....alots gonna change around here. i turn 30 in january, scares me. gonna lay down the law. respect is an issue and friends are gonna hear about it. soon to be very lonely after january due to the fact that i probably won't have any friends. more lame shit.....
Has 2011 been better than 2010 so far?
I hope 2011 is going better!! Happy New Year! How was Vegas??