aaaahhhh.....father's day weekend is upon us. that means the village i live in has their fireman's jamboree friday and saturday. sadly, i work 2nd shift, therefore friday is out. but that just means saturday will be crazy. not because of what goes on at the jamboree, oh no. i have my big summer cookout. oh yeah. that also means, i'll be grillin chicken and burgers, maybe some brauts. i'll have my 1000 watt pa cranked. friends and family will be here with good eats. a table full of good food and counters full of drinks. too bad it's gonna be 90+. i'll probably end up trimming the beard a little so i can deal with the heat. fucking shit that sucks. maybe i can deal with it, i hope i can. guess i'll dig out some white shirts for tomorrow. should be interesting to say the least. drinking commences at noon. grilling at 4. after eating we stagger down to the festivities with our own drinks. wave to the cops, make a scene and head back home.
just so you know what kind of place this village is, one of the events to enter is the belt sander drag races. WOW!
just so you know what kind of place this village is, one of the events to enter is the belt sander drag races. WOW!
thanx for the kind words on my hopeful set!