Well, last week, I didn't do any walking in the local park. Instead, I went here: http://elvinhome.org/index.php for Elfest. Two days were warm enuff, barely, to walk around nude. The weather was too wet to walk around in the woods on the property, but I did get a lot of walking around Merchants Row. I'm glad I had a light winter coat to wear, but I'm mad that I had to wear it.
Anyway, the used book seller had a copy of Lady Cottingham's Pressed Fairy Book that I had to have.
Another vender, Sphere1, had some unusual mineral specimens for sale. I got a polished sphere of dinosaur bone. I like dragons, so _I_ say it's a polished sphere of dragon bone. Prove that it isn't!
All in all, a pretty good fest. Cool and wet is better than cold and wet, but I think most prefer warm and dry. One young woman said she liked the weather, but she was obviously crazy (joking!).
Can't wait for the rain to stop. I guess it'll take about a week for the woods to dry out enuff to walk in. I hope the Jack-In-A-Pulpits are still there. I'd like to see the mature plant.