If you've never heard of The Residents, perhaps it's time. Here's a review of their
recording, The Residents Play Wormwood. Not something you listen to once, then put away.
The review is from Amazon.
5.0 out of 5 stars The Residents tell it like it is. February 18, 2009
By Dennis York
Format: DVD
Thank You, Residents, for stripping all the BS away from Judeo-Christian religious myth.
This video exposes for all to see the stupidity and ridiculousness of the Bible and it's
pet stories. It's about time.
The only (minor) objection I have is that sometimes the singer's voice is so grating and
strained that it detracts from the performance and message.
A better singer or the same one with a rested voice would've been better, IMHO. But no
matter, this concert video should be seen by everyone.
It counters the blatherings of Christian evangelists, the Religious Right, The Pope, etc.
I wish the Residents would do the same to Islam.