I won't vote for Ron Paul, he is, ultimately, too extreme. But, I like some of what he has to say. Got this from a list I'm on...
4:20 Ron Paul Quote: " It's our policy of preemptive, deliberate invasions of these countries and occupying these countries that has jeopardized our safety. This blow back principle is what caused 9/11 and we have to come to realise it.
If you keep living in this dreamland of saying that they attacked us because we are free and prosperous,
believe me we'll never get a good foreign policy."
Bill O'reilly Panics After Ron Paul Brings Up 1953 Iran Coup by US and UK.flv
The Bill Oreilly interviews Ron Paul, he doesn't want to see Ron to tell what the US did in the past in the middle east. Ron Paul wants to put 911 in a historical perspective, but as you might expect from FOX they are not very interested in a discussion on an intellectual level.
Watching Ron Paul vids always gives me the impression that he is trying to explain obvious things to idiots
Ron Paul Interview 1988 A Must See!!
The Most AMAZING video on the internet2012 Electiona RP revolution
Ron Paul tells a truth nobody wants to hear
Ron Paul vs Michael Moore on Larry King CNN