So, I scanned some pictures into my computer. The pics are from 1996, when I read, Dancing With Dragons, by D.J. Conway. I happen to like dragons, I see them as powerful elementals. The cool thing is, you can contact them and they're quite willing to work with you and be a companion, almost a pet. In the book, she says that dragons like the energy that a spiral generates/resonates and that a stone spiral in a backyard will attract them. I asked my roomie/landlady Kathy if we could do that. Kathy has an MFA in sculpture and she loved the idea. Then she said, "But, how will you cut the grass around all of those stones"? I didn't have an answer for that one. A few weeks later, still wishing I had an answer, I realized that the stones don't have to sit _on_ the ground...they could be set _into_ the ground. Then the lawnmower can buzz right over them.
A few days later, we packed up a large bushel basket and two large pails and went to the beach, where the stones are free ( we live close to Lake Michigan). We set up our spiral and it looked like this

The final photo is what it looked like after passing the dreaded lawnmower test.
The spiral is still there, altho Mother Nature has covered it up a bit. Once in awhile, I use the weedwhacker to uncover it. I've not seen or sensed any dragons lurking around, either, dammit. Still, it's cool to have it there, and I use it for an ocassional ceremony.

A few days later, we packed up a large bushel basket and two large pails and went to the beach, where the stones are free ( we live close to Lake Michigan). We set up our spiral and it looked like this

The final photo is what it looked like after passing the dreaded lawnmower test.

The spiral is still there, altho Mother Nature has covered it up a bit. Once in awhile, I use the weedwhacker to uncover it. I've not seen or sensed any dragons lurking around, either, dammit. Still, it's cool to have it there, and I use it for an ocassional ceremony.