I got back to Milwaukee about 9 pm Sunday. The nites were a bit cool, but the days were sunny and in th '80s.
Ran around nude all day for 5 days. Wonderful. Here's a picture, not a good one, I'm ready for the welcoming ritual.

There seems to be a bunny shrine now (at Lothlorien.) There was no explanation of how it came to be, or anything. I took it 'cos one of my lady friends has a bunny, and I knew she'd like it. I didn't take many pictures there 'cos some people are understandably nervous about being recognized by someone they don't want to be recognized _by_. People lose jobs over this. Even custody of their kids, sometimes.
Must've been about 400 people there by Saturday. For Lothlorien, that's a lot of people. Lothlorien hosts about 10 festivals a year, and Elfest is the largest.
I haven't looked for the dowsing rods yet. I've never used them before, I just have 'em. The place I got them from was going out of business and the price was right, I'm sure you know how that goes.
I'm gonna go, now. I've a full bladder to take care of, then a spiral to walk! (And then a search.)
Ran around nude all day for 5 days. Wonderful. Here's a picture, not a good one, I'm ready for the welcoming ritual.

There seems to be a bunny shrine now (at Lothlorien.) There was no explanation of how it came to be, or anything. I took it 'cos one of my lady friends has a bunny, and I knew she'd like it. I didn't take many pictures there 'cos some people are understandably nervous about being recognized by someone they don't want to be recognized _by_. People lose jobs over this. Even custody of their kids, sometimes.
Must've been about 400 people there by Saturday. For Lothlorien, that's a lot of people. Lothlorien hosts about 10 festivals a year, and Elfest is the largest.
I haven't looked for the dowsing rods yet. I've never used them before, I just have 'em. The place I got them from was going out of business and the price was right, I'm sure you know how that goes.
I'm gonna go, now. I've a full bladder to take care of, then a spiral to walk! (And then a search.)
But it still makes me hopping mad that religion is still a huge issue!
Why wait for the weather to clear up? Storms have fabulous energy! (Storm nut - so definitely biased here)
He's not with Elf anymore, he's gone off on his own. Google him, he's an interesting guy. Actually, I dunno what Google will turn up about him. May not be all _that_ interesting!
Hasn't been _storming_, just raining. The other thing is, I can't see the stones anymore...the grass has covered 'em up. Normally, I'd use a Weedwhacker to uncover them, but it tends to throw the dirt. Not bad when it's dry, but now...I really don't want to throw mud! I'll just go out there with a garden trowel and _gently_ uncover them.
I'm done for today.