sooooo bored i really need a job there is no jobs in this little town im going nuts ill have to apply at the hospital it looks like ive never been unemployed this long in my life
not sure if anyone if even going to read this its been a few months since i have been on sg
im living in canora saskatchewan at the moment looks like we'll probably stay for a spell

wow! thank you very much, I am hoping to be the best I can on that day, and he in his monkey suit.... what's it like over there?
Thanks for the testimonial! boing boing boing
phew long time no updates stupid facebook
wedding plans are still going on im going to have to take a second job just to catch up with some bills
hopefully ill catch up soon
wish me luck
hey people, having a good weekend? so far so good wedding plans are now underway so lots of things have to be done now book the hall the dj invitations and more
oh well ill be glad when we are finally married and we can move far away from here

oh yeah looking for some good tunes try out wayne petti's solo album he sings...
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phew what a great saturday night went to the local pub had few scotches, met some new people had fun with my lady came home watched cartoons and had some KD then at 3 in the morning our neighbor was knocking on our door because someone had set and old van on fire in the parking lot so we had to evacuate. So we met...
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aw, thank you for saying such a sweet thang on my blog smile

... i'm happy your fire story ^ had a happy ending & that all is safe & and well...
Damn fire starters...just when your settled in and well, they come by and light my van on fire. biggrin
HI! the cure is awesome no... they are
Hi Joe?! smile
I'm really into internal medicine, but I don't know yet. What kind of nursing does your girl do?

yes i do remember you!

welcome back
