i finally get over a nasty cold i had for two weeks and then i get to spend all weekend with the flu.
out of bordem i was able to calculate every time i would
ten after the hour every hour startin at 10:10 pm and endin at 6:10 the next day.
finally got my new uniform.
do you ever do something where its fun at first but after time it tends to get boring and you really don't wanna deal with it anymore but you can't because theres the factor of someones emotions involved? i say this in reference to a person, more on the lines of a relationship, and once again i find myself not knowing what to do about the situation.
this week's events will by inspired by the song Jump by NERD with the vocal talents of Joel and Benji Madden. its a good song, i'd recommend it.
"fuck this shit right now i'm checkin out"

finally got my new uniform.

do you ever do something where its fun at first but after time it tends to get boring and you really don't wanna deal with it anymore but you can't because theres the factor of someones emotions involved? i say this in reference to a person, more on the lines of a relationship, and once again i find myself not knowing what to do about the situation.
this week's events will by inspired by the song Jump by NERD with the vocal talents of Joel and Benji Madden. its a good song, i'd recommend it.
"fuck this shit right now i'm checkin out"

ive been there once..and found out that it was just a lull in things.. though in some cases it could also mean that its time to change things.. either as in trying new things or as in assessing the situation and if its unrepairable, to then close up shop.. but like i said before, it cango both ways.. hope that helps
- J.