well shit not much happenin here. may go to the kat wok friday nite. its gonna suck though cause the fools i'm goin with suck at drinkin and shouldn't even be near alcohol. that and if a girl walked up to them they'd prolly shit themselves yet they're the tough guys who get all the girls. well they're gonna be on my turf now.
i really need somethin to keep me occupied. i spent most of the daylite hours this weekend playin def jams fight for ny, a tight ass game i might add.
at least halloweens comin up. that'll gimme somethin to do for a few hours outta the rest of my life. gonna build a spud gun for the gracious event. i actually got some hotties willin to wreak havoc and mayhem along with me no matter how illegal
i was shocked. they're gonna crash at my house too. so i'm guessin bout 3 girls and a few guys from my crew, may pick up a few stragglers here and there, get the peeps at the local bars goin, hell i'll have a whole army for halloween........but what exactly to do?????
if anyone has any ideas please gimme a hollar. i'm known for bein entertainin but lately i've been in a slump and this is a holiday in which people are more willing to do things outtta the ordinary. i'll think of something hopefully.
i really need somethin to keep me occupied. i spent most of the daylite hours this weekend playin def jams fight for ny, a tight ass game i might add.
at least halloweens comin up. that'll gimme somethin to do for a few hours outta the rest of my life. gonna build a spud gun for the gracious event. i actually got some hotties willin to wreak havoc and mayhem along with me no matter how illegal

if anyone has any ideas please gimme a hollar. i'm known for bein entertainin but lately i've been in a slump and this is a holiday in which people are more willing to do things outtta the ordinary. i'll think of something hopefully.
you doing ok??
I hope so.....
and happy haunting to you!!