yeah yeah yeah won a fight!!!!! 2500$ in the bank!!!!! shit i dunno what to say really. lots goin on. jugglin between 5 girls right now cause i'm too much of a puss to tell them no cause i got them so into me and i don't wanna have to decide and find out i missed somethin later or have any hard feelins on my soul. fuckin shit my hand hurts. got in a bar fight that carried itself into a hotle parkin lot. knocked the guys tooth out and cut between the knuckles of my two small fingers on my right hand. thats gonna scar but hell beats gettin boxers fracture again.
well, play your cards right and i could be routing for you on tv.. "hey, I know that guy!!"
- J.
ps - 5 girls? hot damn! lol sounded like my dad from his tales.