So im sat in the queens pub in Puchov after an amazing gig last nite (vids are on the way i promise people) and its snowing, the beer is 61p a pint and 10% in strength so were happy and have been here most of the day.
After a few days off we were cold and rusty at the gig the other day and it ddint go well but we still marched on. We arrived here in slovakia and set up our gear as the kids piled in and then they brought us awesome home cooked chikhun and lots of eats then started with the free beer and shots of what i can only say was paint stripper...we played for and hour and a half and were on the tables in the bar outside and going nuts as usual..our bass player was doing shots whilst playing the gig and we had an awesome nite and two encores which rocked.
The people here in slovakia are amaxing and the queens pub rocks like no other.
Hope you are all well in SG
After a few days off we were cold and rusty at the gig the other day and it ddint go well but we still marched on. We arrived here in slovakia and set up our gear as the kids piled in and then they brought us awesome home cooked chikhun and lots of eats then started with the free beer and shots of what i can only say was paint stripper...we played for and hour and a half and were on the tables in the bar outside and going nuts as usual..our bass player was doing shots whilst playing the gig and we had an awesome nite and two encores which rocked.
The people here in slovakia are amaxing and the queens pub rocks like no other.
Hope you are all well in SG
Ahh spanx for the message glad to hear all is well in your world..What did you mean by pictures on the go?