Damn I have not updated my blog since March 3rd damn.... That because my laptop got smashed but some drunk guy stumbling thru my room late one night A.K.A me lol. But as of Friday I now have a new laptop and PC sweet deal =) Im pretty stoked about it I spoiled my self this month, and spent way to much money on things I dont need such as a new 40inch tv for my bedroom a ton of dvds a new laptop and pc. Gosh I need stop spending so damn much an start saving. Oh a new Xbox 360 Elite an some new games too.
Other than my spending spree Im working on my mad guitar skills everynight when i get off work, I think my neighbors are getting annoyed with it bummer. Well Ill leave all yall with some photos I took over the past month. Im going to take a nap =)
Yay for green beer

Cocaine In A Can ???

Other than my spending spree Im working on my mad guitar skills everynight when i get off work, I think my neighbors are getting annoyed with it bummer. Well Ill leave all yall with some photos I took over the past month. Im going to take a nap =)
Yay for green beer

Cocaine In A Can ???

Thank you for the comment on my photos my dear ♥ 

Thanks for the request