My weekend was pretty good, I got a New phone today the HTC Hero By Sprint. Its a Google based phone ,and I think I like it better than my I-Phone. In fact its like a laptop in my pocket it has everything web, music, phone of course a scanner for bar codes, gps, 5 mega pix camera. way to much to list.
And whent to a monster truck show too. That was better than I thought it would be my ears are still ringing lol I thought when I went I would be in Mullet heaven and hearing Hot Dang alot lol, but I didnt it was pretty neat and fucking loud !
Oh yeah before I forget Has anyone heard of a three eyed turtle ? It is pretty interesting and it not the one in a shell. lol

My sister had the HTC Pro from Verizon then switched to the Droid. The HTC was pretty cool but the droid is better lol
I'm gonna get the Nexus One when it comes out hopefully in March 

Aww thank u for ur comment about my new tatto! I ABSOLUTELY love it now that its done. But FML did it hurt like a bitch at some parts.. Fuck the ribs and arm pit dude.. just so u know. If u ever get the urge to get one there, stop and say, I remember when someone warned me...