Pushing over the humpday and toward the weekend...
Today is my little sis' birthday. Sent her a text wishing her well before I started the workday. Another humdrum workday. One of those where you're already watching the clock when you sit down at the desk.
Not too many days go off without a hitch and though the start of the day seemed to go well, it turned south quickly. Doing and redoing work based on communications that weren't passed down in a timely fashion. And it was right about then that I remember why I didn't take a corporate job straight out of college.
Though the smell might be different, it's the same garbage day after day.
Yet I'm thankful for the camaraderie in my department. Otherwise I'd not be able to stand too much more of this less than challenging environment.
Today is my little sis' birthday. Sent her a text wishing her well before I started the workday. Another humdrum workday. One of those where you're already watching the clock when you sit down at the desk.
Not too many days go off without a hitch and though the start of the day seemed to go well, it turned south quickly. Doing and redoing work based on communications that weren't passed down in a timely fashion. And it was right about then that I remember why I didn't take a corporate job straight out of college.
Though the smell might be different, it's the same garbage day after day.
Yet I'm thankful for the camaraderie in my department. Otherwise I'd not be able to stand too much more of this less than challenging environment.
Camaraderie in work makes everything seem a little better doesn't it? x