Went to see The Raveonettes at the North Star last night. Of course the resident parisites were all over us before we could even crank the emegency brake. Message to Girard St: The spine on this book does NOT say, "Made in Suburbia", so go find some other publication to misread. I wish I had the money that these vultures think I have. I had canned corn and a peice of toast for dinner for christsake! Watched that movie Primer late night. If anyone know's what the hell happened, let me know. I thought I was smart guy, oh well, one more bubble burst.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 07, 2005
Yes, it's true, I see souls before words corrupt. I wish more were g… -
Tuesday Nov 22, 2005
I just spent and hour writting something beautiful here and the site … -
Sunday Nov 20, 2005
"...we may face a scorched and lifeless earth, but they're accountabl… -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
why haven't you bought the new propagandhi yet? -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
what a great idea, a site where you pay to kiss unattainable girl's a… -
Thursday Nov 10, 2005
"...when all is said and done, just because we were young, doesn't me… -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
Do I believe in Ghosts? Not really, but something is walking around … -
Wednesday Oct 26, 2005
O.K. I see a lot of folks around here are doing the "20 facts about t… -
Tuesday Oct 25, 2005
Gwar!!! -
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
anyone looking for a roommate in philly?