what a great idea, a site where you pay to kiss unattainable girl's asses. I really, really, really, do think it is the work of absolute genius. Don't get me wrong, the girls and the site are wonderful and I wish they ruled the world. However, I crack up reading everyone's coments on journals. All these little beekeepers trying to save their wounded little Queens. Verbal masterbation is nothing else. I apoligize for been so harsh. I'm just calling it like I see it.
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
everyday the shadows sift towards my centerline. yet the picture was… -
Saturday Oct 15, 2005
I have no where to live as of 11/15 -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2005
I had three dreams last night. 1. I was surrounded by people dyin… -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2005
I had three dreams last night. 1. I was surrounded by people dyin… -
Monday Oct 10, 2005
danko joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooones! -
Monday Sep 26, 2005
...through your virgin tissue, a shot of menthol. it is covered … -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
silent winds elude the leaves as the furnace burns wild the straw gra… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
Today Tyler found out where I hide his cat nip. I had it on the top … -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
Today Tyler found out where I hide his cat nip. I had it on the top … -
Friday Aug 05, 2005
I'm like the ghost who doesn't know he's dead around here.