what a great idea, a site where you pay to kiss unattainable girl's asses. I really, really, really, do think it is the work of absolute genius. Don't get me wrong, the girls and the site are wonderful and I wish they ruled the world. However, I crack up reading everyone's coments on journals. All these little beekeepers trying to save their wounded little Queens. Verbal masterbation is nothing else. I apoligize for been so harsh. I'm just calling it like I see it.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 07, 2005
Yes, it's true, I see souls before words corrupt. I wish more were g… -
Tuesday Nov 22, 2005
I just spent and hour writting something beautiful here and the site … -
Sunday Nov 20, 2005
"...we may face a scorched and lifeless earth, but they're accountabl… -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
why haven't you bought the new propagandhi yet? -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
what a great idea, a site where you pay to kiss unattainable girl's a… -
Thursday Nov 10, 2005
"...when all is said and done, just because we were young, doesn't me… -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
Do I believe in Ghosts? Not really, but something is walking around … -
Wednesday Oct 26, 2005
O.K. I see a lot of folks around here are doing the "20 facts about t… -
Tuesday Oct 25, 2005
Gwar!!! -
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
anyone looking for a roommate in philly?