while some drown in their sorrows of pettiness, many starve and die each day. for some, going to work in the morning is the most dangerous part of their lives.
we take our gifts and luxuries for granted. we complain about the easily fixed. complaints about a mundane existence are ridiculous. necessity and life force you to be stronger and more determined.
some bombs went off in london today. I'm sure we'll blame our governments more than we'll blame the cock sucking terrorists that placed the bombs. 2 polar extremes in ideologies will only bring us more hardship and sadness. Liberals need to stop being such gay little pussies and start arming themselves. Conservatives need to come out of the closet and admit that they actually just want to have some hardcore love making sessions with little boys.
boo fucking hoo.... here's my sympathy for the depressed.... kill your psychologist, read the newspaper and tell me that your life is much worse than those in syria, sudan, iraq, n. korea, detroit, camden, newark, oakland, etc...
No excuse for depression, only anger... at least it motivates people to change
we take our gifts and luxuries for granted. we complain about the easily fixed. complaints about a mundane existence are ridiculous. necessity and life force you to be stronger and more determined.
some bombs went off in london today. I'm sure we'll blame our governments more than we'll blame the cock sucking terrorists that placed the bombs. 2 polar extremes in ideologies will only bring us more hardship and sadness. Liberals need to stop being such gay little pussies and start arming themselves. Conservatives need to come out of the closet and admit that they actually just want to have some hardcore love making sessions with little boys.
boo fucking hoo.... here's my sympathy for the depressed.... kill your psychologist, read the newspaper and tell me that your life is much worse than those in syria, sudan, iraq, n. korea, detroit, camden, newark, oakland, etc...
No excuse for depression, only anger... at least it motivates people to change
stop being a pussy and tell me what you really think
Your so fucking rite man