It is amazing and hard to believe that the only truly miserable animal on earth, so happens to be the only one with the mental fortitude to know what can and will make them happy. If ignorance is bliss, then why would you want knowledge?
When an animal is hungry it finds food and it eats. When it has sexual desires it seeks a mate and if successful fornicates. This goes on and on with each and every primitive urge that an animal endures. The animal does not know why it needs these things, it doesnt know why they feel the urge to feed the urges of their certain desires. The only thing that they do know is that when their urges are annulled by following their instincts, they are content.
Their basic idea and knowledge of life consists of the fact that by eliminating a need or an urge that is bestowed upon them by natural instinct, they become content or in a sense happy.
Ignorance is not bliss and on the same note neither is knowledge.
So why are humans miserable?
It stems out from the original belief that ignorance is bliss. Individual A figures out that certain primitive urges need to be met. IA (short for Individual A) must now figure out how to achieve its goal of meeting an answer to the question what is the urge?. Once IA, determines the root of the urge, it must now find out how do I end my urge?. Through some deductive reasoning, IA realizes that the urge is succumbed when a certain task is performed by IA, (I.E. Sex, feeding, fighting, etc..) Knowledge is power.
Power is the corrupter. IA understands what it must do, to feel fulfilled. IA has power over its urges. Its urges must always be oppressed. So IA, determines that others must help it oppress these urges, (I.E., someone to feed it, someone to have sex with, someone to fight, etc..)
The human being, as an animal of reasoning, learns quite quickly (depending on the individual human). Therefore, those helping out IA with its quest for the abolishment of all its urges and needs, determine that the previously stated task urges them to not want to help out IA. IA is now once again haunted by urges that had at one point been under control with the help of its contributing individuals.
IA needs to once again find a new method to oppress its urges. Misery loves company. If IAs urges can not be met, then neither will its peers. IA expresses to the rest of the community the importance and absolute necessity to control ones urges, especially as a community of reasonable and knowledgeable individuals.
An animals basic idea and knowledge of life consists of the fact that by eliminating a need or an urge that is bestowed upon them by natural instinct, they become content or in a sense happy.
Human beings, whether they chose to accept it or not, are animals with primitive urges that stem back from the dawn of man. Therefore, by oppressing these urges by not succumbing to them, humans commit an unnatural act which ultimately can make them feel miserable and/or unhappy.
Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. Power is the corrupter. Corruption blinds.
Now that IA has all of its fellow constituents suppressing their urges and blinded to the fact that doing so is what makes them miserable, it is once again happy.
So the viscous cycle begins.
Human beings, being an animal of reasoning, learn quite quickly. Therefore, IAs constituents must now branch out and seek their own constituents to make miserable and so on and so on. This finally ends at the end of the human social food chain. It most likely ends with friendless, single individuals at no-end jobs. The peons and dreggs of society will always be IAs and its constituents pride and joy, for they have no one else to make miserable in order to make them happy. Utimately, making them miserable for the endurance of their lifes.
So my word of advice for all you miserable derilicts is this, BE HAPPY. Always BE HAPPY. There could not be a greater punishment for all the oppressers and miserable sadists that control your homes, your jobs, your government, and your life. Spread love, dont fight the urges and just BE HAPPY.
When an animal is hungry it finds food and it eats. When it has sexual desires it seeks a mate and if successful fornicates. This goes on and on with each and every primitive urge that an animal endures. The animal does not know why it needs these things, it doesnt know why they feel the urge to feed the urges of their certain desires. The only thing that they do know is that when their urges are annulled by following their instincts, they are content.
Their basic idea and knowledge of life consists of the fact that by eliminating a need or an urge that is bestowed upon them by natural instinct, they become content or in a sense happy.
Ignorance is not bliss and on the same note neither is knowledge.
So why are humans miserable?
It stems out from the original belief that ignorance is bliss. Individual A figures out that certain primitive urges need to be met. IA (short for Individual A) must now figure out how to achieve its goal of meeting an answer to the question what is the urge?. Once IA, determines the root of the urge, it must now find out how do I end my urge?. Through some deductive reasoning, IA realizes that the urge is succumbed when a certain task is performed by IA, (I.E. Sex, feeding, fighting, etc..) Knowledge is power.
Power is the corrupter. IA understands what it must do, to feel fulfilled. IA has power over its urges. Its urges must always be oppressed. So IA, determines that others must help it oppress these urges, (I.E., someone to feed it, someone to have sex with, someone to fight, etc..)
The human being, as an animal of reasoning, learns quite quickly (depending on the individual human). Therefore, those helping out IA with its quest for the abolishment of all its urges and needs, determine that the previously stated task urges them to not want to help out IA. IA is now once again haunted by urges that had at one point been under control with the help of its contributing individuals.
IA needs to once again find a new method to oppress its urges. Misery loves company. If IAs urges can not be met, then neither will its peers. IA expresses to the rest of the community the importance and absolute necessity to control ones urges, especially as a community of reasonable and knowledgeable individuals.
An animals basic idea and knowledge of life consists of the fact that by eliminating a need or an urge that is bestowed upon them by natural instinct, they become content or in a sense happy.
Human beings, whether they chose to accept it or not, are animals with primitive urges that stem back from the dawn of man. Therefore, by oppressing these urges by not succumbing to them, humans commit an unnatural act which ultimately can make them feel miserable and/or unhappy.
Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. Power is the corrupter. Corruption blinds.
Now that IA has all of its fellow constituents suppressing their urges and blinded to the fact that doing so is what makes them miserable, it is once again happy.
So the viscous cycle begins.
Human beings, being an animal of reasoning, learn quite quickly. Therefore, IAs constituents must now branch out and seek their own constituents to make miserable and so on and so on. This finally ends at the end of the human social food chain. It most likely ends with friendless, single individuals at no-end jobs. The peons and dreggs of society will always be IAs and its constituents pride and joy, for they have no one else to make miserable in order to make them happy. Utimately, making them miserable for the endurance of their lifes.
So my word of advice for all you miserable derilicts is this, BE HAPPY. Always BE HAPPY. There could not be a greater punishment for all the oppressers and miserable sadists that control your homes, your jobs, your government, and your life. Spread love, dont fight the urges and just BE HAPPY.
I bet it has it's ups and downs just like anything else.
What do you write? Short stories, books, poems, random things, all of the above?
Spread love, dont fight the urges and just BE HAPPY.
excellent advice. is it working for you? because it's working for me.