There is a reason for my obsession with satire... It's honest. Even if the meaning behind it is wrong, at least it is completely honest... As opposed to.......
I was reading about the house approving stem cell, research and how it will most likely be vetoed by Senor Bush. Here is an exerpt from the the article.
"Opponents dispute that, questioning any evidence that embryonic stem cell research will lead to cures. They say taxpayers should not be forced to finance science they see as an attack on unborn babies and Bush's "culture of life.""
This couldn't make me any more angry.
FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! THAT IS THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! ALL WE EVER ARE IS FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! Every 2 weeks my paycheck is 300 bucks lighter because I am forced TO FINANCE!!! What about "Joe's Culture of Life"?
What am I financing that I might not approve of?
Just about everything... War in Iraq, war on drugs, federal golf courses, big fat white dudes, religion....
Religion is the epitomy of hypocricy and this administration is milking it for all its got. Maybe Bush is somewhat pious, but those fuckers in the background are jsut money grubbing power mongers squeezing the life and income from the world's stupididest people. The uneducated religous right. poor poor sheep
I dont see this changing for the better anytime soon, which is reason number 16 for why i'm moving to spain in 2 years.
Only thing good to come out of these idiots is material for me to poke fun of.
I was reading about the house approving stem cell, research and how it will most likely be vetoed by Senor Bush. Here is an exerpt from the the article.
"Opponents dispute that, questioning any evidence that embryonic stem cell research will lead to cures. They say taxpayers should not be forced to finance science they see as an attack on unborn babies and Bush's "culture of life.""
This couldn't make me any more angry.
FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! THAT IS THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! ALL WE EVER ARE IS FORCED TO FINANCE!!!! Every 2 weeks my paycheck is 300 bucks lighter because I am forced TO FINANCE!!! What about "Joe's Culture of Life"?
What am I financing that I might not approve of?
Just about everything... War in Iraq, war on drugs, federal golf courses, big fat white dudes, religion....
Religion is the epitomy of hypocricy and this administration is milking it for all its got. Maybe Bush is somewhat pious, but those fuckers in the background are jsut money grubbing power mongers squeezing the life and income from the world's stupididest people. The uneducated religous right. poor poor sheep
I dont see this changing for the better anytime soon, which is reason number 16 for why i'm moving to spain in 2 years.
Only thing good to come out of these idiots is material for me to poke fun of.
Nice pic
this is as bad as I get as far as blasphamy goes.