The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
(of working a Sunday alone at the comic store)
The Good
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1. I brought a bunch of cd's from home so I can listen to whatever I want. And when there are no customers, I turn it up and maybe even sing and dance a little. That's between me and the security cameras.

So far today I've listened to:
Jawbreaker - Dear You
Weezer - make believe
The Weakerthans - Left and Leaving
The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site (I will admit that I didn't have to bring in this cd, as one of my co-workers already had it in the cd player)
Currently: Radiohead - The Bends
Next Up: Moneen - the red tree
That should just about finish up my day.
2. No insane customers today, so far! Writing this is probably the biggest jinx ever.
3. I chatted with
carla on msn for a number of hours. There was plotting and general hilarity involved.
4. It's dead so I'm going to read some comics. Not sure what yet.
The Bad
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1. No convenient lunch fetcher! I put up some "Be back in 5 minutes" signs and ran over to the Tim Horton's across the street. However, the Tim Horton's by the store is typically busy and the staff could only be described as "of middling competence" on a really good day. So my first try met with failure when I walked into the store, did a quick head count of the people waiting in line (25ish!), and decided that it would take at least 20 minutes to get anything. I tried again an hour or so later and finally managed to get a coffee and croissant.
2. It's cold in here. How can my feet be cold? I wore my warm socks and boots. sigh.
3. I forgot to bring the scarf that I'm knitting to work on. I probably could have finished it. But then I probably wouldn't have written up this swell journal entry about nothing.
4. I rolled up the rim, but didn't win.
The Ugly
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I mentioned that I was singing, right?

There has actually been no ugly to mention. I'm a bit melancholy at the moment, but it's only due to my lack of time manipulation capabilities.
I wish I had brought my camera to work. Then I could have taken pictures to amuse myself. And possibly you.
Here's an old picture. I'll give you the set-up. Kitten in box. Dog chewing on bone. Kitten decided to swipe at dog every so often. Dog gets up to investigate.

That's all.
Either way I still say boo Calgary!