I'm back, I've had issues with my passwords but it looks like I've sorted it!!
I've missed you all x

I'm back, I've had issues with my passwords but it looks like I've sorted it!!
I've missed you all x
It's so lovely to see my debut set is still getting love despite it never getting SOTD. Thank you to everyone for your support over these past few months. I can't wait to shoot again x
This weeks SG homework set by the babes @missy and @rambo is what super power would you have and why...
Mine is a simple and easy decision, the power of healing.
I've seen too many people suffer in my life, emotionally and psychically and all I've wanted to do it take it all away. To be able to do that would be the greatest power...
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over the moon to see the beautiful @paulabuur has gone pink! I've followed her Instagram for a while and she's just such a beauty! Plus I adore that set!
It's also a little reminder that my set could still be made SOTD despite it being a little old now as paulabuurs was and few other hopeful sets have been recently.
I just woke up from a VERY convincing dream that my debut set was today's set of the day. So convincing the first thing I did was check how it was doing.
Owww dang. What a tease!!!
But @sash 's set is beyond amazing lets be honest xxx
I can't believe I've got over 1k likes on my debut set! Even if it's not noticed by the babes in charge, and I don't go pink, I'm just incredibly grateful and humbled by all of your love and support! Thank you all so much, this is a truly special community xxxxx
Thanks for all the love on my page over the last few days! Nearly 1000 likes on my debut set! Fingers crossed for SOTD xxx
Firstly she was the one who encouraged me to do the shoot and came with me to my first SG meeting. But shes also now a member as she wanted to see my sets progress. Her first comments on the feedback I had been given so far is that she was so touched by how sweet and lovely you all are, she also commented on...
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I've got a lot to compete with!!!
I've got a lot to compete with!!!