Wow, did I make any sense last night? Cause I kinda dont' think I did. But I remember having fun, so thats all that matters right?!
God, I can't believe its monday already, I don't want the weekend to be over with. I want another day of doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooo hooo.
Tommorow I go back to work, but its payday so that always a plus, Its a good thing too because I'm broke. Its funny to me because I never seem to get around to spending any of my money until like a couple days before I get paid again, but once my bills start going through all my money dissapears and I'm broke untill I get paid again. I guess thats the way it works though.
I almost feel sad today. Its almost as if i'm mourning something, but I have no clue as to what that something may be. I had a dream last night that I was at a school, and it was getting taken over, and all I really remember of the dream is being scared and running as fast as I could and screaming so louud that it hurt, but I never got anyhelp. Its so horrible to feel hopeless, that no one is ever going to come rescue you. I feel irritable as well. I need to just go take a bath and do some reading.

Tommorow I go back to work, but its payday so that always a plus, Its a good thing too because I'm broke. Its funny to me because I never seem to get around to spending any of my money until like a couple days before I get paid again, but once my bills start going through all my money dissapears and I'm broke untill I get paid again. I guess thats the way it works though.
I almost feel sad today. Its almost as if i'm mourning something, but I have no clue as to what that something may be. I had a dream last night that I was at a school, and it was getting taken over, and all I really remember of the dream is being scared and running as fast as I could and screaming so louud that it hurt, but I never got anyhelp. Its so horrible to feel hopeless, that no one is ever going to come rescue you. I feel irritable as well. I need to just go take a bath and do some reading.

you made plenty sence and i was buzzy my self.. ok that why it might of made since. hope you had a good day off from the work thing..... I volunteered to work. meh it was ok i was already getting paid for it but the extra money is nice im trying to move to a new place so yeah catch ya later.