Lets see where to start. I finally decided to join SG, and i've been looking around it all night. What i'm finding is some pretty cool stuff, beautiful ladies, cool groups and what not. I'm pretty stoked because I just got back from spending the weekend in Washington, My friend bought be a ticket to see dave mathews at the gorge and let me tell you, whether you like dave mathews or not, it was amazing, the veiw was beautiful, it was a full moon, such a pretty night, and I just snuggled up with my best friend and listened to the show while looking at the stars. It was just one of those experiences that you know you won't forget.
Its hard to be away from the ones you care about. I know this, but this weekend really drove it home for me. When i'm used to seeing someone everday, it can become tough and i'm dealing with enough tough things at this point in my life. Sometimes I feel like everyones life is moving forward but mine. I feel like i'm stuck down in a hole and I just can't reach the rope to get pulled out. Mood wise I have definitly been doing better. I still have my down moments, but thats life and it happens. I just want things to turn around for me, and I know, or I should say, I hope that they will, it will just take time, but time goes slow when you don't want it to. I miss my boy
Its hard to be away from the ones you care about. I know this, but this weekend really drove it home for me. When i'm used to seeing someone everday, it can become tough and i'm dealing with enough tough things at this point in my life. Sometimes I feel like everyones life is moving forward but mine. I feel like i'm stuck down in a hole and I just can't reach the rope to get pulled out. Mood wise I have definitly been doing better. I still have my down moments, but thats life and it happens. I just want things to turn around for me, and I know, or I should say, I hope that they will, it will just take time, but time goes slow when you don't want it to. I miss my boy

and happy belated birthday!