So this is part two of a attempted series of blogs to try and be more sociable, and be more regular on the site.
I left off mentioning in so many word (maybe too many) that I am both an Extrovert and Introvert (probably in two parts so this doesn't get too wordy). So to kind of show the duality of that I am going to kind of write in two parts of my personality/life. First off, and this is a big one, I am a gamer through and through, I continuously say it is the only thing I am truly addicted to. I have been playing video games since I can remember, and that is not an exaggeration. I remember one of my first games was a Sesame Street game on NES and I always have this flash of an image in my mind from when I was at most 3 playing it and seeing this blue and yellow ferris wheel on a completely black screen almost. Since then I have played games across Sega Genesis, Playstation, N64, Xbox, 360, One, and those would be the system I owned over the years. If I don't play video games for a while I will actually start to get cranky, but one way or another I don't care, I love it. I always love getting into conversations about video games, there is just so much out there with them, and so many are this beautiful wonderful complex puzzle of arcing story lines, and tiny nuances and references that make each one it's only piece of modern art. Now with those I prefer to be a solo player, I like my own pace and I tend to get anxiety while playing with others I Don't know, and god forbid I talk to a total stranger online I ask for too much... That is a piece of the introvert in me. I can mention more, but no need (if there are any questions, please raise your hand after the presentation is complete)
So I will move on the extrovert portion tomorrow as I don't want all of these to be a novel. For anyone who is reading this, I thank you for your time to read about my interestingly mundane life. Also to anyone reading this, if you want to give me some feedback on it, please do. I genuinely want to make this interesting to the people who read this, I just don't know if I am being too much...
Either way, Extrovert, the vertical road to extra-curricular activities is scheduled for release tomorrow, I am off to play some Metro 2033 then go to bed before too long as I have an important presentation for work tomorrow. Gnight y'all, enjoy the couch cuddles, beer coddles, self fondles, or partner canoodling... whatever floats your respective boats, just keep afloat, don't mope, and stay stoked..... Sorry... lot's o rhyme