Saw Hairspray last night....lots of fun, great catchy music, good voices....a little problem with energy at the beginning and at the end ("You Can't Stop the Beat" was so much better on the CD) but "Welcome to the 60's" was show-stopping.
I'm tired of bloody Toronto weather. Yesterday it was so cold you'd think it was winter, tommorrow they're predicting flurries, but then the next day it is hot enough for shorts. You'd think we lived near a mountain range or something!
And I'm tired of the TTC (Toronto's public transit system). Unrelialbe. Slow. And always complaining about not getting enough money from the government. No matter how much they get, its never enough and they threaten fare increases and cutbacks in service. Maybe they should try lowering the fare, increasing service and then finding that they double their ridership and therefore income! Stupid people....well it's too late for me, they've pissed me off for the last time. I'm going out to buy a bike today, and I'm going to use it on any day that we're not getting goddamned flurries.
I'm tired of bloody Toronto weather. Yesterday it was so cold you'd think it was winter, tommorrow they're predicting flurries, but then the next day it is hot enough for shorts. You'd think we lived near a mountain range or something!
And I'm tired of the TTC (Toronto's public transit system). Unrelialbe. Slow. And always complaining about not getting enough money from the government. No matter how much they get, its never enough and they threaten fare increases and cutbacks in service. Maybe they should try lowering the fare, increasing service and then finding that they double their ridership and therefore income! Stupid people....well it's too late for me, they've pissed me off for the last time. I'm going out to buy a bike today, and I'm going to use it on any day that we're not getting goddamned flurries.
I rode it to work for the first time yesterday, and am going to again today, despite the rain. It took me half the time to get there, so right now, while I would've left for work already, I am here writing this blog!
I've also found a photographer who would like to work with me to create my own little suicide boys entry....and Mo will do one too, she's going for the title....