Tomorrow is the big callback - 6 pages of sides to go over, and some real emotionally wrecked stuff.

I'm back at my scene study class and after just finishing a scene from A Bronx Tale, I got thinking...

In the scene, a mob boss tells a kid he's taken under his wing how to tell if a girl really likes you. First he talks...
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vices: chocolate. oh yes.
sxe is a drugfree movement, started out in the punkrock/hardcore scene with the band Minor Threat... they wrote a song called Straight Edge, but. It's not a rule for the whole thing like some people think. some of the lyrics goes:

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around
And fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit
Up my nose
Pass out
At the shows
I don't even
Think about speed
That's something
I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around
And smoke dope
'Cause I know that I can cope
Laugh at the thought
Of eating ludes
I laugh at the thought
Of sniffing glue
Always gonna
Keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge

I'm back from my summer away, and what a great welcoming looking over all the sets I missed. Did I ever miss my SG's!

I'm already back on the audition circuit, and have a callback for a film I really want to get. For the 2nd time this year it would require me to be fully nude on camera, but I'm cool with that. The...
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Hall, thank you. So, you're drugfree too? How come? I'll started out in the punkrock scene and found sXe there, now it's not an important label for me but it's an easy way to get people to understand "what you stand for", I'm pretty sure I'll be drugfree 4-ever. love

Tell me about this new movie you want to be in.
It's off to Boston for me. In just a few hours I'll be watching humpback whales off the coast of Cape Cod, eating at Legal's Seafood and Pizza Uno, and oh, that ever-so-affordable but tasty Boston Market.

What's better, I'm not working! This will be the first time since November when I've really not been working...
Yeah, vacations are very good. The only drawback for me is that I try to go everywhere and see everyone and then when I get back I am exhausted and feel like I need another vacation.

Have fun in Boston!
that ssssssweeet biggrin
2 weeks until I go away and then (gasp) I may have to go 2 months without my Suicide Girls! tongue

But the good news is that I have convinced Mo to submit for a set. I wonder how long it takes to hear back, maybe we should submit now if we hope to shoot a set in September.

And in the meantime, we're going to...
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have fun at the beach today. biggrin
hey i didn't know you were a fan, but thx, i hope to be ups soon, hey you should start an SG petition for me to go up ASAP! biggrin
So I'm a unionized actor now...yes, I sold out. But the pay is nice biggrin

I'm going to be like Bill Murray as my Nescafe commercial will be airing in Japan...but I've got a shot at something more local next week, a Tim Horton's commercial.

I'm getting ready to disappear for 2 months when I go teach film at a summer camp...ahhhh...I'll miss my suicide girls....
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so where will said Tim Horton's commercial be airing? country-wide?
Ben Affleck-dammit-how could I leave him off the list?

Is it true that Canadians are kicking the ass of the American film industry right now? I have a friend in Chicago who builds movie sets, he is always complaining about losing work to the Canadians. Is he full of shit? Let me rephrase that, because he is full of shit...is he correct about that?
Oh yeah baby. I got it, I rock.

I finally got cast in a union commercial. This will be my ticket into the big time...my first credit in the actor's union and a very nice payday. I'm going in for wardrobe tomorrow, I'll post more when I know details. I think it is US and Canadian national! biggrin biggrin
Yay part! Yay union! Yay wardrobe!!!!

All good times dude!! I love getting that call from the wardrobe lady. So affirming and exciting!!

Best of luck and congrats!!! I'll be off SG in a month or so for a little while. I'll be travelling around and won't have a lot of time to gawk at naked chicks. And when I DO have time I'll be in a public library....so.....

Keep in touch!!! Best of the best!

Everyone check out Cerah's new set. She's awesome! ooo aaa
hint: not FHM, not Stuff, not Maxim, but _____

I feel like I'm making up an SAT question. Scary. *shudder*

You like singing musical theatre naked as well? That's fabulous!
I bought my bicycle! Yes, that's right folks, I've actually followed through with one of my rants.

I rode it to work for the first time yesterday, and am going to again today, despite the rain. It took me half the time to get there, so right now, while I would've left for work already, I am here writing this blog!

I've also found a...
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Thanx biggrin Hopefully soon you'll be able to see more when my set goes up.
Saw Hairspray last night....lots of fun, great catchy music, good voices....a little problem with energy at the beginning and at the end ("You Can't Stop the Beat" was so much better on the CD) but "Welcome to the 60's" was show-stopping.

I'm tired of bloody Toronto weather. Yesterday it was so cold you'd think it was winter, tommorrow they're predicting flurries, but then the next...
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Why am I funny? That was the first time I've had such a thin piece of metal between me and a really grody lake. With Alligator Gar and everything! *shudders*
I bought my bicycle! Yes, that's right folks, I've actually followed through with one of my rants.

I rode it to work for the first time yesterday, and am going to again today, despite the rain. It took me half the time to get there, so right now, while I would've left for work already, I am here writing this blog!

I've also found a photographer who would like to work with me to create my own little suicide boys entry....and Mo will do one too, she's going for the title.... biggrin