Things are going well now, I got a nice job, finally.
Did a new set with Anele, Now I'm trying to plan what the rest the year is going to be like
I also now enough people to hang with that are actually nice to hang out with.
I've been away,
I've been working a lot, my gf is comming in a month.
On the good side I got tickets for u2 and the stones, not that I love them, but is culture.
I've been working a lot, trying to save some money.
Today is the Dizzee Rascal show, sounds promising.
I want to save enough money to go to NY soon, for a few days.
And I'm just a few days away from having my second anyversary without my gf I just know that there are many more to come withher.
Y espero que disfrutes lo que te envie, pronto, esta semana, o la semana que viene te envio el monton de jazz para Anele y mas cosas para ti!
Otra cosa, te envidio, viste a Of montreal en vivo, asumo que has visto el monton de grupos y artistas cheveres, a aca a Puerto Rico no llega nada, o casi nada...
No te preocupes, no hay prisa me envias algo, cuando puedas, un abrazo, hablamos luego
It's been like a month since my last update.
I've been working a lot, and saving money, next sept is finding a good job, but has to be after next week
Ill be great, I miss my girl so much.
These people at work always drag me to the bar after work, not that it is to hard to convince me, but I'll have to... Read More
Hey wepa!! Pues si, lo de enviar la musica en formato mp3
es buena idea, asi te puedo enviar muchisima mas musica mas, enviame tu email por correo electronico yalgunos "requests" aparte de Bowie, Lou Reed y los Velvet Underground. Oh, y te enviare algo en la onda jazz para Anele. Un abrazo!
Finally updating
My Anele is comoing in almost a month, finally, we are going to have a great time. It's gonna be WMC time here in Miami, so we're gonna catch some nice show.
I know we're gonna watch M.I.A. and that 's great hell yeah.
Job is ok, at least for saving money.
It sucks that Ayres had to leave, sad sad, she's great.
I'm back
I think last year was pretty fucked up, Im' fact I'm pretty sure. Although my trip was really good. Love NY, hated the small towns.
I'll post some pics in the next days, It may take forever.
Wow, Jo, gracias. Me decis bien si tiene site de internet o algo asi????? Y que es eso de la importacion? me expicas bien? Soy medio estupida, y quiero hacer esto, y quiero plays mas baratas, y si, son un monton, tengo q contactarme con Mile, mi amiga q esta alla, y pasarle estos datos bien asi averigua. Q es eso de la no se que sociedad de importacion????
Y respecto a acento marcado, como acento marcado? Mi acento es feo??? Puta madre estudiando ingles desde los cuatro aos y hablo como un gremlin la puta q me pario.
Besos a tu nena!
Mi amiga se fue a vivir alla hace poco, asi q no tienen muccha idea, cuanto sale registrar una compaia alla, tenes idea??? Le voy a mandar un mail para q vaya y averigue en esa tienda.... ella es americana pero de chica vino para aca y ahora se fue para alla con su hijito, har 2 o 3 meses, todavia se est equilibrando.... pero MIL millones de gracias por el dato. Si me podes decir cuanto sale poner esa sociedad seria barbaro. Asi le paso la data a mi novio, q es la cabeza de este negocio BIEN argentino, bien PIRATA y bien OSCURO.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
I'm packing right now, I don't like to pack, I should've ask my aunt, she loves it.
It'll be a great road trip, hopefully I wont get sick.
I expect everyone around to have a good time during these days, get drunk, get wasted. and do not work, if you do have to work, then go to work but go drunk.
I... Read More