To your comment in my journal: YES! Why is that? I don't want responsibility to be acid. I want it to be the sweet nurturing nectar of life, dammit.
I'm so proud of you for doing your own thing -- but you gotta let it excite you. Whenever I feel that really unique and individual part of me get turned on, I tend to shrug it off, evade, get snarky and dark and difficult. See "all sides" so that I'll find that one side that ruins everything for me. Sometimes, this side of me is great, cause it saves me from doing shit that I really don't believe in -- that I feel drawn to for superficial reasons. But sometimes, on that rare occasion, I know it's my turn to step up. And I choke.
So don't choke. Stay in it, whatever the intensity of feeling it is that you're so vehemently trying to avoid. Let it scorch you. Get excited, get overwhelmed, so what? It might hurt a bit, but you'll survive, and on the other side you'll find something pure. Just keep your mind on one thing: progress.
Don't get stuck. Travelling doesn't mean you're moving.
I figured out the difference between loving a town and being able to live there shortly before I left the Boston area for DC. I've loved Boston for as long as I can remember, and just living there brought an undeniable joy all its own, but it wasn't the same as having a life there that wouldn't make me insane.
Of course, there are those people who hate wherever they live, and you eventually realize that it has nothing to do with the town. The guy I moved here from Boston with is like that. All he could do was talk about how much he hated it and how much better DC is... now he's all on about the housing market and how if his rent goes up again he might have to move.
Where is the show Sunday? I might have the night off, depending on how this potential shift-trade thing happens. If not, I'll certainly try to make the BC anniversary shindig.
I'm so proud of you for doing your own thing -- but you gotta let it excite you. Whenever I feel that really unique and individual part of me get turned on, I tend to shrug it off, evade, get snarky and dark and difficult. See "all sides" so that I'll find that one side that ruins everything for me. Sometimes, this side of me is great, cause it saves me from doing shit that I really don't believe in -- that I feel drawn to for superficial reasons. But sometimes, on that rare occasion, I know it's my turn to step up. And I choke.
So don't choke. Stay in it, whatever the intensity of feeling it is that you're so vehemently trying to avoid. Let it scorch you. Get excited, get overwhelmed, so what? It might hurt a bit, but you'll survive, and on the other side you'll find something pure. Just keep your mind on one thing: progress.
Don't get stuck. Travelling doesn't mean you're moving.
Of course, there are those people who hate wherever they live, and you eventually realize that it has nothing to do with the town. The guy I moved here from Boston with is like that. All he could do was talk about how much he hated it and how much better DC is... now he's all on about the housing market and how if his rent goes up again he might have to move.
Where is the show Sunday? I might have the night off, depending on how this potential shift-trade thing happens. If not, I'll certainly try to make the BC anniversary shindig.