
I'm reallynot a sports guy. I know nothing of football and if someone asks me who I want to win the game, my usual answer is "who's playing"?
When my wife and a couple of her friends asked me if I'd be interested in going to a roller derby with them I said OK, just to be sociable.
It was a lot of fun, incredibly fast moving and a lot of fun.
I took my camera wih me - my first attempt at sports photography. I'm just going through my pictures now and thought I'd put one up, mainly because I was a bit embarassed that my Christmas picture was still up!!!
It was a real challenge as the light wasn't brilliant and I didn't want to use flash. Added to that, the speed these girls were going meant focusing and timing were big issues.
I'll add some pictures to my gallery when I've been through them all.
If you are interested, check out the website and come down to the next match.
I'm hooked!!!

I'm reallynot a sports guy. I know nothing of football and if someone asks me who I want to win the game, my usual answer is "who's playing"?
When my wife and a couple of her friends asked me if I'd be interested in going to a roller derby with them I said OK, just to be sociable.
It was a lot of fun, incredibly fast moving and a lot of fun.
I took my camera wih me - my first attempt at sports photography. I'm just going through my pictures now and thought I'd put one up, mainly because I was a bit embarassed that my Christmas picture was still up!!!
It was a real challenge as the light wasn't brilliant and I didn't want to use flash. Added to that, the speed these girls were going meant focusing and timing were big issues.
I'll add some pictures to my gallery when I've been through them all.
If you are interested, check out the website and come down to the next match.
I'm hooked!!!